
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 128-140 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 131 as the brittle star Ophiactis savignyi, have revealed a diverse set of glycoconjugates, including structures reminiscent of both vertebrates and invertebrates. This diversity in glycosylation positions echinoderms at an evolutionary nexus between invertebrates and vertebrates, highlighting their unique molecular adaptations (Figure 2) (Eckmair et al., 2020). Furthermore, the crystallographic data on echinoderm skeletons have been used as taxonomic tools, providing insights into their evolutionary history and classification. These molecular and structural studies underscore the adaptive responses of echinoderms to their environments and their evolutionary significance. Figure 1 Fossils and arthropod evolution (Adopted from Giribet and Edgecombe, 2019) Image caption: Alternative topologies highlighting key fossils for understanding evolution of the main extant arthropod lineages (in bold) and the arthropod stem group. Fossil exemplars of major clades as follows: (D) Isoxys acutangulus (Isoxyida); (E) Anomalocaris saron (Radiodonta); (F) Perspicaris dictynna (Hymenocarina); (G) Fuxianhuia protensa (Fuxianhuiida); (H) Leanchoilia superlata (Megacheira); (I) Misszhouia longicaudata (Artiopoda); (J) Apankura machu (Euthycarcinoidea) (Adopted from Giribet and Edgecombe, 2019)