
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 182-196 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 191 9.3 Identified gaps and suggestions for future research Despite significant progress, several gaps remain in our understanding of mammalian adaptation. One major gap is the limited research on ecophysiology within long-term studies, which is essential for understanding how mammals respond to rapid global changes (Schradin and Hayes, 2017). Future research should focus on integrating physiological data with long-term ecological and behavioral studies to provide a more holistic view of adaptation. Additionally, while individual-based models have advanced our understanding of genetic adaptation, there is a lack of models that simultaneously address genetic adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, and dispersal. Future models should incorporate these adaptive responses as evolving traits with their associated costs and benefits. Furthermore, the role of gene loss in adaptive evolution is an emerging area that warrants further investigation, as it has the potential to reveal novel insights into the genomic basis of adaptation (Sharma et al., 2018). Finally, there is a need for more long-term studies on wildlife behavior in urban environments to better understand the adaptive strategies of urban mammals and inform urban wildlife management (Ritzel and Gallo, 2020). Addressing these gaps will enhance our ability to predict and mitigate the impacts of environmental changes on mammalian species. 10 Concluding Remarks Mammals exhibit a wide range of adaptive strategies to cope with changing environments, which can be broadly categorized into behavioral, physiological, and genetic adaptations. Behavioral adaptations include changes in activity patterns, such as nocturnal foraging to avoid heat stress, and increased risk-taking and exploration in urban environments. Physiological adaptations encompass mechanisms like hibernation, which allows mammals to survive periods of resource scarcity by reducing metabolic rates, and the development of hypoxia tolerance in species like the naked mole-rat. Genetic adaptations, including gene losses, have also been identified as significant contributors to phenotypic changes that enhance survival in specific environments. Understanding these adaptive strategies is crucial for conservation and management efforts, particularly in the context of rapid environmental changes due to urbanization and climate change. For instance, recognizing the traits that enable certain mammals to thrive in urban settings can inform the design of wildlife-friendly urban environments and help mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. Additionally, insights into the physiological and genetic mechanisms underlying adaptation can guide conservation strategies aimed at enhancing the resilience of vulnerable species. For example, long-term monitoring of large mammals' responses to climate change can help predict their future distribution and survival, thereby informing habitat protection and restoration efforts. The study of adaptive strategies in mammals provides valuable insights into the complex interplay between behavior, physiology, and genetics in response to environmental challenges. Future research should focus on integrating these different levels of adaptation to develop a more comprehensive understanding of how mammals cope with changing environments. This includes exploring the role of epigenetic mechanisms and transgenerational effects in adaptation, as well as investigating the potential for adaptive responses in other taxa, such as ectotherms and microbes. Ultimately, a deeper understanding of these adaptive strategies will enhance our ability to predict and mitigate the impacts of environmental change on biodiversity. Acknowledgements Thank you to every anonymous reviewer for their hard work and feedback. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Abrahms B., Rafiq K., Jordan N., and Mcnutt J., 2022, Long-term, climate-driven phenological shift in a tropical large carnivore, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(27): e2121667119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2121667119 PMid:35759658 PMCid:PMC9271205