
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 182-196 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 190 genetic diversity in mammals, with larger-bodied species and forest-dependent species being the most negatively affected (Lino et al., 2019). Additionally, primates, which often have slow life histories, face severe challenges due to habitat loss, making gene-based adaptations unlikely to evolve quickly enough to counteract these changes (Kalbitzer and Chapman, 2018). The disruption of animal movement due to human disturbance further exacerbates these issues, leading to negative impacts on fitness, survival, and population viability (Doherty et al., 2021). 8.2 Pollution and its effects on physiology and behavior Pollution has significant physiological and behavioral impacts on mammals. For instance, adaptive introgression has enabled some species, like the Gulf killifish, to rapidly evolve resistance to extreme environmental pollution through the introduction of advantageous genetic variability from non-native species (Oziolor et al., 2019). Moreover, forest degradation has been shown to alter stress hormone levels and immune responses in mammals, indicating that pollution and habitat degradation can mediate the adaptiveness of species to changing environments (Messina et al., 2018). Neurobiological studies also suggest that rapid environmental changes due to pollution can outpace the adaptive responses of nervous systems, highlighting the need for further research into the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying these adaptations (Michaiel and Bernard, 2022). 8.3 Conservation efforts and their impact on adaptive strategies Conservation efforts play a crucial role in mitigating the negative effects of human activities on mammalian adaptation. Understanding the behavioral flexibility of primates, for example, can help optimize conservation strategies by constructing informed management plans that consider species-specific responses to environmental changes (Teitelbaum et al., 2021). Additionally, identifying traits that favor urban adaptation in mammals, such as larger litter sizes and behavioral plasticity, can inform the design of wildlife-friendly urban environments and help mitigate human-wildlife conflicts (Santini et al., 2018). Long-term studies on wildlife behavior in urban settings are essential to promote successful urban wildlife management and conservation (Ritzel and Gallo, 2020). By addressing habitat destruction, pollution, and implementing effective conservation strategies, we can better support the adaptive capacities of mammals in the face of rapidly changing environments. 9 Future Directions and Research Gaps 9.1 Emerging technologies in studying mammalian adaptation The study of mammalian adaptation to changing environments has greatly benefited from advancements in technology. For instance, the use of isotopes in free-living mammals has enabled detailed studies of water turnover and diet in the field, while thermal imaging and radiotelemetry have facilitated the study of heat loss, body temperature, and animal movements in their natural habitats (Ball et al., 2017). Additionally, genomic approaches have revealed the importance of gene losses in adaptive evolution, shedding light on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying phenotypic adaptations in mammals (Snyder‐Mackler and Lea, 2018). These technologies not only enhance our understanding of current adaptive strategies but also provide tools for predicting future responses to environmental changes. 9.2 Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding adaptation Understanding mammalian adaptation requires an interdisciplinary approach that integrates behavioral, ecological, physiological, and genetic perspectives (Bush et al., 2016). Long-term field studies have been instrumental in revealing how mammals adapt to their natural environments and respond to rapid global changes. Moreover, studies on urban mammals have highlighted the importance of behavioral plasticity and ecological traits in adaptation to novel environments (Santini et al., 2018). The integration of individual-based modeling (IBM) with eco-evolutionary dynamics has also provided insights into the adaptive responses of species to environmental changes, emphasizing the need for models that consider genetic adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, and dispersal simultaneously (Romero-Mujalli et al., 2018). Such interdisciplinary approaches are crucial for developing comprehensive strategies for wildlife conservation and management.