
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 182-196 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 185 varied strategies, modifying both the type and intensity of their behaviors in response to multiple predator traits, including flight and clumping behaviors. This comparison highlights that different species adopt distinct strategies to cope with predation risks, reflecting their unique ecological adaptations. Impalas rely on a flexible but consistent approach, wildebeests are more selective, responding significantly to direct threats, while zebras use a broad range of tactics to mitigate various predation risks. Understanding these behaviors can provide insights into species-specific adaptations and predator-prey dynamics in their natural habitats. In summary, mammals exhibit a wide range of behavioral adaptations to cope with changing environments, including migration and seasonal behaviors, social structure adjustments, and sophisticated predation avoidance and foraging strategies. These adaptations are essential for their survival and highlight the complex interplay between environmental pressures and behavioral responses. 4 Physiological Adaptations to Environmental Changes 4.1 Thermoregulation mechanisms Mammals have developed a variety of thermoregulation mechanisms to adapt to changing environmental temperatures. For instance, marine mammals have evolved unique genomic adaptations to manage heat loss in aquatic environments. Genes associated with the formation of blubber (NFIA), vascular development (Sema3E), and heat production by brown adipose tissue (UCP1) play crucial roles in these adaptations (Figure 2) (Yuan et al., 2021). Additionally, polar mammals utilize behavioral and physiological strategies such as huddling, building shelters, and seasonal changes in insulation through fur, plumage, and blubber to maintain core body temperature (Blix, 2016). The hypothalamic neuromodulation of thermoregulation is another critical area, where neural pathways and anatomical structures regulate body heat autonomously and behaviorally (Mota-Rojas et al., 2021). Furthermore, skeletal muscle plasticity contributes significantly to thermogenesis, with mechanisms like shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis enhancing metabolic heat production (Wright and Sheffield-Moore, 2021). The research of Yuan et al. (2021) provides a comprehensive overview of the convergent evolution of thermoregulation in marine mammals, emphasizing the roles of genetic and cellular mechanisms. Panel A illustrates howNFIAregulates the differentiation of mesenchymal precursors into white or brown adipocytes, with brown adipocytes playing a crucial role in thermogenesis through the activity of UCP1. This thermogenic process helps maintain body temperature, supported by the well-developed retia mirabilia in marine mammals, which facilitates efficient heat transfer. Panel B highlights a unique amino acid change in the NFIA gene common to marine mammals, suggesting an evolutionary adaptation for thermoregulation. Similarly, panel C shows a conserved amino acid change in the Sema3E gene among cetaceans and pinnipeds, indicating another adaptation for maintaining thermal balance in aquatic environments. Panel D demonstrates the conservation of the UCP1 gene across species, with significant sequence conservation shown in the VISTA plot, highlighting its essential role in brown adipocyte function and thermoregulation. This genetic and physiological convergence underscores the adaptive strategies marine mammals have evolved to thrive in cold aquatic habitats. 4.2 Water conservation and metabolic adaptations Water conservation is vital for mammals living in arid environments. For example, the Karoo scrub-robin exhibits physiological adaptations that include variations in metabolic rates and gut microbiome composition, which are associated with environmental features and genetic variations underlying energy metabolic pathways (Ribeiro et al., 2019). Hibernation is another strategy that allows mammals to survive periods of water and food scarcity. During hibernation, metabolic, neuronal, and hormonal cues regulate the reduction of body temperature and metabolic rate, conserving water and energy (Mohr et al., 2020). Additionally, the study of gene losses in mammals has revealed that certain gene deletions may contribute to metabolic adaptations, facilitating survival in specific environments (Sharma et al., 2018). 4.3 Reproductive adaptations and strategies Reproductive adaptations are essential for the survival of mammalian species in changing environments. Polar animals, for instance, exhibit profound tolerance to hypothermia in newborns, with altricial animals depending on parental care for warmth and precocial mammals utilizing non-shivering thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue