
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 128-140 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 130 For example, the phylogenetic reconstruction of New Zealand cheilostome bryozoans using sequences from 17 genes revealed discrepancies between molecular and morphological data, highlighting the need for rethinking current systematic hypotheses (Orr et al., 2021). Moreover, the application of phylogenetic comparative methods, supported by null-hypothesis testing and power analysis via simulation, has increased the confidence and robustness of these analyses (Pyron, 2015). These methodological advancements have significantly enhanced our ability to infer evolutionary relationships and understand the diversification of life. 3.3 Integration of molecular data with morphological and paleontological data The integration of molecular data with morphological and paleontological evidence provides a more holistic view of evolutionary history. This total evidence approach allows for the resolution of deep branching patterns and the empirical testing of tree reconstruction techniques. By combining molecular sequences with morphological observations, researchers can discriminate between conflicting hypotheses and evaluate the assumptions underlying phylogenetic methods. For instance, the integration of molecular and morphological data in the study of cheilostome bryozoans has provided insights into the evolutionary history of specific traits, such as the presence of frontal shields (Orr et al., 2021). Additionally, paleontological data offer independent means of calibrating molecular trees, thereby providing insights into rates of molecular evolution in the geological past. This comprehensive approach enhances the accuracy and reliability of phylogenetic reconstructions, contributing to a more complete understanding of the Tree of Life. The advances in DNA sequencing and genomics, coupled with sophisticated phylogenetic analysis techniques and the integration of diverse data types, have significantly advanced the field of molecular systematics. These developments have enabled more detailed and accurate reconstructions of evolutionary histories, providing deeper insights into the diversification and relationships of invertebrates in response to geological changes. 4 Invertebrate Case Studies in Geological Contexts 4.1 Arthropods: evolution and diversification Arthropods represent the most diverse animal phylum, with their evolutionary history and phylogenetic relationships being subjects of extensive research. Molecular phylogenetics has established arthropods as monophyletic, placing them within the ecdysozoans, a clade of molting animals that includes nematodes and other phyla. This molecular framework has clarified relationships within major arthropod groups, such as the Pancrustacea, which includes insects and crustaceans. The evolutionary history of arthropods is further illuminated by a rich fossil record, which, despite some conflicts in analyses, provides crucial insights into their origins and diversification. Molecular time-trees, calibrated with fossils, estimate the origins of arthropods in the Ediacaran period, with most deep nodes dating to the Cambrian. Early stem-group arthropods, such as lobopodians, were worm-like animals with annulated appendages, highlighting the significant morphological evolution within the phylum (Figure 1) (Giribet and Edgecombe, 2019). 4.2 Mollusks: phylogenetic relationships and adaptations Mollusks, including snails, octopuses, and clams, exhibit a remarkable diversity of body plans, second only to arthropods in species number. Despite extensive study, their evolutionary relationships remain poorly resolved, with significant questions about the origins and morphological evolution within the group. Recent phylogenomic studies have generated transcriptome data for various molluscan species, supporting the clade Aculifera, which includes groups with spicules but no true shells, and the monophyly of Conchifera. These studies have also clarified relationships among major molluscan groups, such as the sister group relationship between Scaphopoda (tusk shells) and Gastropoda. This well-resolved phylogenetic tree provides a framework for further studies on mollusc evolution, development, and anatomy (Smith et al., 2011). Additionally, the interaction between mollusks and their parasites, such as Schistosoma mansoni, reveals complex mechanisms of immune diversification and adaptation, further illustrating the evolutionary dynamics within this phylum (Roger et al., 2008). 4.3 Echinoderms: molecular insights into evolutionary responses Echinoderms, as one of the most primitive deuterostomes, offer valuable insights into the evolutionary biology of chordates due to their close phylogenetic relationship. Studies on the N-glycomic capacity of echinoderms, such