
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 154-165 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 159 5.2 Conservation efforts and genomic insights Conservation efforts for tigers have increasingly relied on genomic insights to inform management strategies. The high-quality genome assemblies of tigers have identified several gene families involved in key morphological features such as teeth, claws, vision, olfaction, taste, and body stripes, which are essential for their survival as apex predators5. These genomic insights have also revealed signatures of positive selection consistent with the Panthera lineage, providing a deeper understanding of the evolutionary adaptations of tigers. Moreover, the use of cross-species genome alignment methods has facilitated the discovery of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in tigers, which are crucial for understanding population structure and functional genomic features. This method has been successfully applied to the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), yielding valuable data on adaptive traits, evolutionary history, and the pathogenesis of heritable diseases (Wultsch et al., 2016). These genomic insights are instrumental in developing effective conservation strategies that address the genetic health and viability of tiger populations. 5.3 Lessons learned for other felids The genomic studies and conservation efforts focused on tigers offer valuable lessons for other felids. The successful application of non-invasive genetic methods, such as eDNA from scat samples, demonstrates the potential for similar approaches to be used in other felid species to gather genetic data without the need for invasive sampling techniques4. This is particularly important for endangered and elusive species where traditional sampling methods may be challenging. Furthermore, the insights gained from high-quality genome assemblies and cross-species genome alignments highlight the importance of developing comprehensive genomic resources for other felids. These resources can provide critical information on genetic diversity, population structure, and adaptive traits, which are essential for informed conservation management (Shukla et al., 2022). By leveraging these genomic tools, conservationists can better understand the genetic health of felid populations and implement strategies to mitigate the risks of inbreeding and genetic drift. In conclusion, the case study of Panthera tigris underscores the significance of genomic research in conservation efforts. The lessons learned from tigers can be applied to other felids, enhancing our ability to protect and preserve these majestic species for future generations. 6 Adaptive Genomic Traits in Felids 6.1 Adaptations to different habitats Felids exhibit a range of genomic adaptations that enable them to thrive in diverse habitats. One significant adaptation is the evolution of pattern recognition receptor (PRR) genes, which play a crucial role in immune responses. These genes have undergone positive selection in semi-aquatic species, suggesting that they have adapted to specific environmental pressures6. Additionally, the contraction of gene families related to starch and sucrose metabolism in felids indicates a dietary specialization that aligns with their carnivorous lifestyle, which is a critical adaptation for survival in various habitats (Figure 3) (Kim et al., 2016). Kim et al. (2016) found that the identification of highly conserved regions (HCRs) across Felidae, Hominidae, and Bovidae revealed significant insights into genetic conservation and variation among these groups. The Venn diagram analysis showed shared and unique genes in the HCRs, with a notable number of conserved genes across all three families. The heatmap analysis of enriched gene ontology (GO) categories and KEGG pathways in the HCRs highlighted key biological processes and pathways, such as proteasome function, cell cycle regulation, and signal transduction pathways. These findings suggest that despite evolutionary divergence, there are critical conserved genetic elements among these families, which may play essential roles in their fundamental biological functions and evolutionary adaptations. The study emphasizes the importance of HCRs in understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic traits and species survival. 6.2 Disease resistance and health The genetic architecture of felids also includes adaptations that enhance disease resistance and overall health. The PRR genes, which are essential for innate immunity, show a high degree of conservation across different felid species. This conservation suggests that these genes are under strong selective pressure to maintain their function in recognizing and responding to pathogens (Smith et al., 2017). Moreover, the low levels of genetic diversity