
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 154-165 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 156 the genetic basis of trophic diversity, which is relevant for understanding similar adaptive traits in carnivores (Feller and Seehausen, 2022). Phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial DNA sequences, such as the cytochrome b gene, has also been employed to decipher the evolutionary history and genetic relationships among carnivore species. This approach provides insights into the origin, ancestry, and diversification of species, aiding in the prediction of future evolutionary trends (Bashir et al., 2020). 3.3 Applications in conservation The application of genomic techniques in conservation biology has led to significant advancements in the management and preservation of felid species. For instance, the identification of orthologous chromosomal DNA segments through 3D comparative scaffotyping has facilitated the assignment of chromosome-scale DNA sequence scaffolds, reducing costs associated with karyotyping and physical mapping (Figure 1) (Corbo et al., 2022). Forensically informative nucleotide sequencing (FINS) has been used to differentiate closely related wild felids, such as the leopard cat, jungle cat, and fishing cat, based on mitochondrial gene variations. This method is crucial for preventing false identification in wildlife forensics and strengthening DNA databases for conservation purposes (Singh et al., 2020). Furthermore, studies on the genetic diversity of felid populations have highlighted the importance of factors such as generation length, habitat, and home range size in influencing genetic variation. These findings help identify priority species vulnerable to genetic diversity loss, guiding conservation efforts (Azizan and Paradis, 2021). In summary, the integration of advanced sequencing technologies, sophisticated genomic data analysis methods, and practical applications in conservation has provided valuable insights into the evolutionary conservation genomics of felids. These techniques are instrumental in enhancing our understanding of genetic diversity, adaptive traits, and evolutionary history, ultimately contributing to the effective management and preservation of carnivore species. Corbo et al. (2022) found that comparative chromatin conformation analyses in five felid species—puma, tiger, leopard, cheetah, and clouded leopard—revealed significant chromosomal inversions and similarities in homologous synteny blocks. Their study utilized Evolution Highway for visualizing synteny blocks and Juicer plots to depict interaction frequencies between loci on chromosomal scaffolds. These analyses showed distinct chromosomal inversions greater than 1 Mb in size and variations in the frequency of interactions across species. The eigenvector values indicated chromatin structure differences at a 500-kb resolution. This study highlights the chromosomal structural variations and conserved elements across different felid species, contributing to the understanding of their evolutionary genomics. 4 Genomic Diversity in Felids 4.1 Genetic variation within species Genetic variation within felid species is influenced by several factors, including geographic location, habitat type, and species-specific traits. A comprehensive study analyzing data from 135 population genetic studies on 28 wild felid species revealed significant differences in genetic diversity across continents. Populations in Africa and South America exhibited higher heterozygosity and allelic richness compared to those in other regions. Asiatic lions, in particular, showed the least genetic diversity among felids globally. Additionally, threatened species generally had lower genetic diversity than low-risk species, although genetic diversity was not correlated with body mass or geographic range. Generation length emerged as a critical factor, with species having shorter generation lengths displaying reduced genetic diversity. Habitat type and home range size also played roles, with species dependent on closed habitats and those with larger home ranges showing lower heterozygosity (Azizan and Paradis, 2021). 4.2 Comparative genomics among felid species Comparative genomics has provided valuable insights into the evolutionary history and adaptive traits of felid species. Cross-species genome alignments using the domestic cat as a reference have enabled the discovery of millions of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in species such as the cheetah, snow leopard, and Sumatran tiger. These alignments have facilitated the identification of population structures and functional genomic features, although they are less effective at detecting rare variants. Enrichment analyses of fixed and species-specific SNVs