
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 128-140 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 137 the antioxidant system in invertebrates exposed to microplastics highlighted the need for more comprehensive studies to identify the specific characteristics of microplastics that cause oxidative stress (Trestrail et al., 2020). Additionally, the study of benthic invertebrate communities in response to sea-level fluctuations provides valuable insights into how long-term environmental changes affect biodiversity and ecosystem stability, which is crucial for conservation planning (Abdelhady et al., 2020). Finally, the development of best practices in conservation genomics, including genomic monitoring and profiling, can enhance broader conservation goals by providing baseline data for in situ and ex situ conservation efforts (Lopez et al., 2019). 10 Concluding Remarks The study of molecular systematics in invertebrates has revealed significant insights into how these organisms have responded to geological changes over time. Molecular systematics has shown that endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, particularly Symbiodinium spp., have undergone significant adaptive radiation since the Miocene-Pliocene transition. This diversification is linked to host specialization and allopatric differentiation, suggesting a response to major climatic changes and low CO2 levels during that period. Freshwater invertebrates exhibit both evolutionary and plastic responses to climate change. While there is evidence of phenotypic plasticity and genetic changes, the extent of these adaptations varies, with some traits showing more robust responses to temperature changes. The analysis of functional traits in invertebrates has highlighted the importance of key functional traits that mediate the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem services. These traits are crucial for understanding how invertebrates respond to environmental changes and contribute to ecosystem functioning. The reduction in glacier cover has led to consistent increases in the functional diversity of river invertebrates across multiple biogeographic regions. This pattern is driven by dispersal limitation and environmental filtering, indicating predictable mechanisms governing community responses to environmental changes. The fossilization process can distort evolutionary trees by causing taxa to appear more primitive than they are. This bias, known as stem-ward slippage, affects the interpretation of macroevolutionary rates and sequences, highlighting the need for careful consideration of fossil data in evolutionary studies. Insect diversification patterns show both early bursts and steady rates of diversification, with major shifts occurring in holometabolous orders. This suggests that clade-specific innovations, rather than broad environmental changes, have driven diversification in insects. The molecular phylogeny of New Zealand cheilostome bryozoans has provided a framework for testing systematic hypotheses. The study found that lower taxonomic levels are robust, while higher-level systematics require rethinking. The presence of frontal shields in cheilostomes was also linked to diversification rates. The findings from these studies have broader implications for evolutionary biology: The adaptive radiation of symbiotic dinoflagellates and freshwater invertebrates in response to climatic changes underscores the dynamic nature of evolutionary processes. These examples highlight the importance of understanding how environmental factors drive diversification and adaptation in different ecosystems. Identifying key functional traits that link biodiversity to ecosystem services is crucial for predicting how ecosystems will respond to future environmental changes. This approach can inform conservation strategies and ecosystem management practices. The recognition of biases in the fossil record, such as stem-ward slippage, is essential for accurate phylogenetic reconstruction and understanding macroevolutionary patterns. This awareness can improve the integration of fossil and molecular data in evolutionary studies. The study of insect diversification and bryozoan phylogeny highlights the role of clade-specific innovations and morphological traits in driving evolutionary processes. These findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the factors that influence diversification across different taxonomic groups. Future research should focus on continuing efforts to reconcile molecular and fossil evidence will enhance researchers’ understanding of evolutionary timelines and diversification patterns. Further studies on functional traits across diverse invertebrate groups will help identify key traits that influence ecosystem services. This knowledge is vital for developing robust indicators of ecosystem health and resilience. As climate change continues to affect ecosystems globally, it is important to monitor and understand the evolutionary and plastic responses of invertebrates. Long-term studies and experimental approaches will provide deeper insights into these adaptive processes. Many invertebrate groups remain understudied in terms of their molecular systematics.