
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 62-71 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 67 3.2 Control of alien species that compete with endangered species In addition to directly controlling or eliminating invasive alien species, CRISPR technology can also be used to regulate the behavior of alien species to reduce their competitive pressure on endangered species. Gene editing can change the reproduction method and behavioral characteristics of alien species, and even make them repel specific environments, thereby reducing their threat to endangered species. In Australia's feral cat control project, scientists used CRISPR technology to edit the genes of invasive feral cats, adjusting their reproductive cycles to make them out of sync with local mammals, reducing their predation threat to endangered mammals. Another study used gene editing to change the habits of invasive toads, making them repulsive to certain habitats and preventing them from competing with local endangered amphibians for food and space. Using CRISPR technology to adjust the relationship between alien species and local endangered species provides a new idea for controlling invasive species (Moro et al., 2018). This strategy based on behavioral regulation can not only effectively protect endangered species, but also maintain the balance and diversity of the ecosystem. 4 Fights Disease In endangered species conservation, disease is considered an important factor leading to population decline. New pathogens continue to emerge around the world, posing a major threat to endangered species that are already in danger. In this context, CRISPR gene editing technology provides a new tool to give endangered species the ability to resist diseases. 4.1 Conferring resistance to emerging diseases to endangered species With global climate change and intensified human activities, the outbreak and spread of diseases are increasing rapidly. This phenomenon has a serious impact on endangered species whose habitats are shrinking. For example, rare animal populations such as the Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) are more vulnerable to new pathogens due to their lack of genetic diversity. CRISPR gene editing technology can help endangered species gain resistance to emerging diseases by precisely modifying the genome of species. For example, CRISPR technology can be used to change gene function so that certain species become resistant to specific pathogens. A potential application case is that CRISPR can be used to edit genes to express proteins that are resistant to specific pathogens, or to directly change genes that interact with pathogens and host cells, thereby reducing the possibility of infection. In addition, CRISPR can also be used to accelerate the introduction of beneficial genes that can resist diseases. For example, research on albinism in vertebrates has shown that certain genetic mutations enable them to produce resistance proteins to fight infections by pathogenic bacteria. This discovery provides an important reference for using CRISPR technology to introduce resistance genes into the gene pool of endangered species under artificially controlled conditions. By combining with traditional breeding techniques, CRISPR can also significantly accelerate the spread of resistance genes in endangered species populations (Piaggio et al., 2017). 4.2 Modulate immune system responses to fight specific pathogens In addition to conferring direct resistance to emerging diseases, CRISPR technology can also enhance resistance to specific pathogens by regulating the function of the immune system. Endangered species often show reduced immune system function or high susceptibility to pathogen infection due to insufficient genetic diversity. In this regard, CRISPR technology provides new means to activate or optimize the immune system of endangered species. Gene editing technology can enhance the immune response of animals to pathogens (Wang et al., 2022). For example, by modifying genes through CRISPR, important regulatory molecules in the immune system (such as cytokines) can more effectively identify and attack pathogens, thereby improving resistance to infection. CRISPR can also be used to inhibit the functions of genes that hinder immune responses, thereby further enhancing the immunity of species.