
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 62-71 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 65 However, this process also faces some challenges. For example, scientists need to fully understand the genome of a target species to determine which genetic variations significantly enhance its ability to survive. The introduction of cross-species genes may involve ethical and ecological risks and requires strict risk assessment and supervision. Figure 1 A conceptual model for interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer in reproductive cloning of black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) (Adopted from Wisely et al., 2015) 2.2 Correction of genetic defects caused by blood mating As populations decline, endangered species are often at risk of inbreeding, leading to increased incidence of genetic defects and disease. CRISPR technology can be used to correct these genetic defects caused by blood mating, thereby improving the health of the population. In a study of Javan rhinos, scientists used CRISPR technology to repair a mutated gene in their genome that caused skeletal deformities. By editing the gene, the researchers significantly reduced the incidence of skeletal deformities and improved the species' quality of life. Similar research also includes genetic repair of northern white rhinos to correct genetic defects related to their reproductive system (Hayashi et al., 2022). CRISPR technology can also be used to remove or inhibit harmful genes that cause genetic diseases. For example, in some endangered bird species, inbreeding has led to a high incidence of feather abnormalities. By editing the genomes of these birds, scientists can remove the mutant genes that cause feather abnormalities, thereby reducing the incidence of the disease and enhancing the health and reproductive capacity of the population. 2.3 Adaptive enhancement associated with genetic diversity In the face of multiple challenges such as climate change, habitat destruction and disease spread, endangered species need to have stronger adaptability. Through CRISPR technology, scientists can directly edit the genomes of endangered species to enhance their adaptability to environmental changes. For example, in a study on sea turtles, scientists used CRISPR technology to introduce genetic mutations related to heat tolerance, allowing sea turtles to better adapt to rising sea temperatures caused by global warming. Similar research also includes enhancing the ability of corals to adapt to acidified seawater through gene editing to cope with ocean acidification. In another case, scientists used CRISPR technology to enhance the tolerance of some endangered fish to heavy metal pollution, allowing them to survive in polluted waters (Figure 2). Gene editing can also be used to improve the tolerance of plant species to extreme environments such as drought and salinity, providing important genetic resources for ecosystem restoration. However, when using CRISPR technology to enhance genetic diversity, special attention should be paid to ecological balance and potential ecological risks. For example, turtles with heat-resistant genes may compete with original species in the new environment and cause ecological imbalance. Before implementing any gene editing project, a full ecological assessment must be conducted to ensure its positive impact on the ecosystem.