
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 62-71 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 64 species to new environments. For example, using gene drive technology, plague-resistant genes can be introduced into endangered rodents to improve their resistance to plague, thereby helping these populations recover and expand. Samuel et al. (2020) pointed out that in some studies related to endangered species, the strategy of introducing new genes can not only enhance the survival ability of the species, but also provide a reference for the protection of other related species. For example, strategies to introduce specific plant toxin tolerance genes can help some herbivorous endangered species avoid death from poisoning. Strategies such as introducing anti-parasitic genes and climate change tolerance genes can significantly enhance the survival and reproductive capabilities of endangered species. 1.3 Control the spread of harmful genetic mutations In endangered species, the accumulation of harmful genetic mutations can lead to genetic defects or diseases, ultimately affecting the population's viability. Gene editing technology provides an effective means to control the spread of these harmful mutations. By editing the genes of individuals carrying harmful mutations, these genes can be prevented from spreading further in the population. Khwatenge and Nahashon (2021) studied strategies for controlling gene mutations in birds using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. By editing the genes of individuals carrying harmful gene mutations, they successfully prevented the spread of these mutations in the population, improving the overall health of the population. In Australia, hereditary cardiovascular diseases carried by some endangered bird species have been effectively controlled through gene editing. Piaggio et al. (2017) proposed that CRISPR technology can also introduce harmless mutant genes into the genome of endangered species through the gene drive mechanism, thereby replacing or masking the effects of harmful mutant genes. The key to this strategy is to use gene drive technology to preferentially spread the target gene in the population, thereby inhibiting the spread of harmful mutant genes. Leitschuh et al. (2018) showed that in island ecosystems, gene drive technology can effectively control the spread of harmful genes and prevent the spread of diseases caused by gene mutations in endangered species. 2 Restoring Population Health and Diversity In the process of protecting and restoring endangered species, population health and genetic diversity play a vital role. Genetic diversity can enhance the adaptability of populations to environmental changes and reduce the risk of genetic diseases. However, due to habitat destruction, illegal hunting and other human activities, many endangered species are facing population decline and loss of genetic diversity. Gene editing of endangered species through CRISPR technology is expected to rebuild and enhance their genetic diversity, correct genetic defects caused by consanguinity, and strengthen adaptive characteristics, thereby achieving the restoration of population health and diversity. 2.1 Reconstruction and improvement of genetic diversity Genetic diversity is a key characteristic of a population's ability to adapt to environmental changes and disease. For some endangered species, the sharp decline in population size has caused a genetic bottleneck effect, resulting in a significant decrease in genetic diversity, which in turn affects the long-term survival of the population. Using CRISPR technology, scientists can introduce new genetic variations to rebuild and enhance the genetic diversity of endangered species. In one study, scientists edited the giant panda's genome through CRISPR technology, introducing genetic variations related to immune function and disease resistance, significantly enhancing its immune response to specific pathogens (Piaggio et al., 2017). CRISPR technology can also be used to introduce beneficial genes from related or closely related non-endangered species, thereby expanding the gene pool of endangered species. For example, genes from black-footed ferrets were introduced into the genome of European mink to enhance their resistance to rabies (Figure 1).