
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 62-71 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 63 genome editing in 2013, CRISPR technology has rapidly become a powerful tool in the field of life sciences and is widely used in gene function research, disease model construction, new drug development and crop improvement. In terms of the protection and restoration of endangered species, CRISPR technology has great potential. It can help scientists correct genetic defects in endangered species, enhance their adaptability, and even restore extinct species. Specific applications include correcting genetic defects caused by inbreeding, enhancing resistance to diseases, controlling invasive alien species and improving environmental adaptability. This study aims to explore the practical application and potential of CRISPR technology in endangered species protection, focusing on the latest research progress in gene repair, population recovery, alien species control and disease resistance. The study will also discuss the challenges of CRISPR technology in practical applications, including technical bottlenecks, ethical disputes and ecological risks. By systematically combing through related research, this study hopes to provide reference for the future application of CRISPR technology in the field of endangered species protection, promote interdisciplinary cooperation, and promote the transformation and implementation of this technology in actual conservation actions. 2 Basic Applications of Gene Editing in Endangered Species As the global biodiversity crisis intensifies, many species are on the verge of extinction, and the task of protecting endangered species has become increasingly urgent. Traditional protection methods mainly focus on protecting habitats, strengthening legal supervision, and carrying out artificial breeding. With the continuous development of molecular biology technology, gene editing technology, especially the CRISPR/Cas system, has provided a new idea for the protection and restoration of endangered species. 2.1 Gene repair and function enhancement Endangered species often have genetic diseases and functional defects due to population decline and loss of genetic diversity. Gene editing technology can improve the health and adaptability of endangered species by repairing harmful gene mutations or introducing new functional genes. For example, in carnivores such as snow leopards (Panthera uncia), reduced genetic diversity caused by inbreeding may lead to immune system defects or reduced reproductive capacity. Through gene editing, exogenous functional genes can be introduced or mutant genes can be repaired to improve the health and reproductive capacity of individuals. Cooper et al. (2018) proposed a strategy to repair the genes of endangered species using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. They pointed out that by repairing the genes of endangered birds, their immune function can be effectively improved, enabling them to better resist the invasion of foreign pathogens. At the same time, the advantages of CRISPR technology in gene repair also include the ability to accurately locate specific gene mutation sites and use DNA repair mechanisms to repair them. Dudek et al. (2017) proposed that gene editing technology can help restore the functional genes of marine mammals, such as improving hereditary immunodeficiency diseases. CRISPR technology can also be used to enhance the expression of functional genes. For example, by regulating gene expression levels, the reproductive capacity of birds, mammals and fish can be improved. This method can achieve better adaptation of species to environmental pressures by precisely regulating gene expression levels, helping their populations expand and stabilize. 2.2 Introduction of new genes and increase of functions In addition to repairing existing gene defects, CRISPR technology can also be used to introduce new genes, thereby giving endangered species new adaptive traits. For example, in marine mammals, increasing tolerance to high-salinity and low-oxygen environments is an important strategy to improve their survival rate. By introducing adaptive genes, they can better adapt to environmental changes. Piaggio et al. (2017) proposed a concept using CRISPR gene drive technology, which can greatly improve the ability of endangered species to adapt to the environment by introducing new functional genes into the genomes of endangered species. Especially in island ecosystems, due to the threats of invasive alien species and environmental changes, the introduction of new genes can significantly enhance the adaptability of endangered