
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 84-96 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 88 Figure 2 Experimental design and analysis of the transcriptomes of the one-humped Arabian camel kidney during severe dehydration and acute rehydration (Adopted from Alvira-Iraizoz et al., 2021) Image caption: a Experimental protocol for each experimental group. b PCA plot displaying the clustering of the samples based on their expression profiles where all expressed genes are included. c, d Heatmaps including all differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified in the cortex (c) and medulla (d) across conditions show clear clustering of differentially expressed genes by condition. e Venn plot displaying the overlap of differentially expressed genes identified in dehydration and rehydration compared to control in cortex and medulla. f Absolute number of DEGs displayed in panels (e), (g) and (h). g, h Venn plots showing the distribution of DEGs during dehydration and rehydration compared to controls in the kidney cortex (g) and medulla (h) of the camel. Number of genes differentially expressed solely in dehydration compared to control (blue), in rehydration compared to control (light red) and those differentially co-regulated in both conditions (dark red) are shown. (i), j Gene Ontology (GO) networks displaying a subset of the most significantly enriched (p < 0.05) biological processes and molecular functions in the kidney cortex (i) and medulla (j) during dehydration. Two nodes are connected if they share 20% or more genes and thicker edges represent more overlapped genes, darker nodes are more significantly enriched gene sets and bigger nodes represent larger gene sets (Adopted from Alvira-Iraizoz et al., 2021)