
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 84-96 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 86 Figure 1 Phylogenetic and functional properties of lacertid and vertebrate pEAGs (Adopted from Valero et al., 2019) Image caption: (a) Visualization of median selection coefficient (ω) on an RNAseq maximum likelihood phylogram of 24 lacertid species for 200 genes under episodic positive diversifying selection. Genes with 10 > ω > 1 and ω > 10 are shown along the branches as circles. (b) Box and jitter plots showing genes with significant evidence for relaxation (K ≤ 1) and intensification (K ≥ 1) of selective pressure among cold- and warm-adapted clades. (c) Network of significantly enriched functions for these genes in Lacertidae (circles-biological process; diamond—molecular function; octagon—cellular component; and size of circles-number of genes per category). (d) Functional genomic network containing 902 pEAGs across endotherm and ectotherm vertebrates (blue-genes that adapted to environmental parameters more than once in different species; ochre-genes that are stress responsive; and maroon-genes that adapted in more than one species and are additionally stress responsive). (e) Graph of functional categories of significantly over-represented ClueGo Gene Ontology groups, for the 902 pEAGs, categorized by candidate functions (Cf) and additional functions. Numbers in labels refer to numbers of Gene Ontology terms within each category (Adopted from Valero et al., 2019)