
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 62-71 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 69 Climate change can also lead to ocean acidification and coral bleaching, posing a serious threat to marine biodiversity. CRISPR technology can be used to adjust the genes of symbiotic algae in corals to enhance their tolerance to high temperatures and acidification. At the same time, the adaptability of marine organisms to acidic waters can also be improved through gene editing, such as adjusting the calcification-related genes of crustaceans and mollusks. 6 Concluding Remarks In recent years, CRISPR technology has made great progress in the field of biological research, bringing new hope and opportunities for the protection of endangered species. As a powerful gene editing tool, the CRISPR/Cas9 system provides a feasible solution for the restoration of genetic diversity, enhancement of disease resistance, control of invasive alien species, and improvement of environmental adaptability of endangered species (Tibbetts, 2022). In terms of genetic diversity restoration, CRISPR technology can increase the genetic diversity of endangered species populations by introducing new genes or repairing existing harmful mutations, thereby enhancing their survival and reproductive capacity. In the correction of genetic defects caused by consanguinity, gene editing technology can effectively reduce the spread of genetic diseases and improve the health level of populations. Using CRISPR technology to introduce disease-resistant genes into endangered species can enhance their resistance to emerging diseases and protect endangered species from the threat of deadly pathogens. CRISPR gene drive technology can accurately control the reproduction of invasive alien species, effectively control their numbers, and thus alleviate their competitive pressure on local endangered species. CRISPR technology can also be used to enhance the adaptability of endangered species to environmental pollution and climate change. For example, by enhancing the pollution resistance genes of species, their survival rate in polluted environments can be improved; by regulating genes related to heat tolerance, the adaptability of endangered species to climate change can be improved. Although CRISPR technology has great potential in endangered species conservation, it still faces a series of technical and ethical challenges (Li, 2024). On the technical level, the application of CRISPR technology in non-model organisms is difficult, mainly due to the lack of genomic data and the off-target effects of gene editing. Off-target effects may lead to unexpected gene mutations, which have a negative impact on the health and survival of species. Different species have different genome structures, and the efficiency and accuracy of gene editing also vary. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the collection and research of non-model organism genome data to improve the accuracy and efficiency of gene editing. On the ethical level, the application of CRISPR technology in endangered species has caused many controversies. Gene editing may change the natural evolution process of species and thus cause ecological risks. For example, the application of CRISPR gene drive technology in the control of alien invasive species may have unpredictable effects on ecosystems. Gene editing of endangered species involves ethical disputes about human intervention in natural ecology, which requires full consideration of public opinion and social acceptance. To solve these problems, scientists, policymakers and the public need to jointly explore solutions under a broader interdisciplinary cooperation framework. In the future, CRISPR technology is expected to play a greater role in the protection of endangered species. With the continuous development of improved gene editing tools (such as CRISPR/Cas12 and CRISPR/Cas13), the accuracy and efficiency of gene editing will be further improved, and the occurrence of off-target effects will be reduced. At the same time, the progress of bioinformatics and genomics will help solve the problem of lack of genomic data in non-model organisms and provide better data support for the application of CRISPR technology. Strengthening data sharing and interdisciplinary cooperation is crucial to promoting the application of CRISPR technology in the protection of endangered species. The establishment of a genomic data sharing platform will help scientists obtain and share data worldwide, promote research collaboration and progress. Bringing together experts in fields such as genetics, ecology, and conservation biology can more comprehensively evaluate the potential risks and benefits of CRISPR technology and provide a scientific basis for policy making and practical application. In order to achieve the transformation from laboratory research to field application, more pilot projects and case studies are needed. In this process, scientists should closely monitor the effects and risks of gene editing and adjust strategies according to actual conditions. This will not only help accumulate experience in field applications, but also provide important references for policy making and public education.