
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 62-71 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 68 CRISPR technology can also be used to adjust the tolerance of the immune system, allowing species to better adapt to changes in the external environment. For some endangered species whose immune systems are disrupted due to environmental pollution or other external factors, CRISPR can be used to recalibrate their immune responses, thereby enhancing their resistance to specific pathogens. CRISPR can also help us gain a deeper understanding of the immune systems of endangered species and develop more effective vaccine strategies. For example, determining the function of key immune genes through gene editing can help scientists develop more targeted vaccines to enhance the immunity of specific species. This CRISPR-based vaccine strategy has great potential in wildlife conservation and can provide effective immune protection for endangered species. 5 Remove Pollutants or Adapt to Environmental Changes The deterioration of the global ecological environment poses a serious threat to endangered species, with environmental pollution and climate change being two of the main factors. As a precise gene editing tool, CRISPR technology provides a new way to improve the adaptability of endangered species to environmental changes and their tolerance to pollutants. 5.1 Gene editing enhances species’ adaptability to environmental pollution Pollutants such as industrial waste, pesticides, and plastics accumulate in ecosystems, posing a great threat to endangered species. For example, heavy metal pollution not only destroys the living environment of many aquatic organisms, but also affects the health of terrestrial animals and birds through the food chain. Gene editing technology provides an effective means to improve the tolerance of endangered species to pollutants. CRISPR technology can give species new abilities by precisely adjusting genes. For example, editing genes related to heavy metal metabolism in the genome of fish can enhance their tolerance to heavy metal pollution. A successful case is the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to knock out the metal ion transport gene of a fish, allowing it to survive in a high-concentration heavy metal environment. This genetic modification technology can also be applied to other endangered species affected by polluted environments, such as amphibians, reptiles and birds, so that they can survive better in polluted environments. In addition to genetically modifying individuals to improve tolerance, CRISPR technology can also be used to develop biomarkers to monitor the impact of pollution on endangered species. By detecting changes in gene expression induced by pollutants, more accurate ecological risk assessment tools can be provided to environmental protection departments (Bramell and Wigginton, 2010). 5.2 Enhancing species’ adaptability to climate change Climate change has brought a huge impact on the global ecosystem. Extreme weather and habitat changes have made many endangered species face greater challenges to survival. CRISPR technology can enhance the adaptability of endangered species to climate change through genetic modification, providing a new way for species protection. Enhancing the ability of plants to tolerate drought and high temperatures through gene editing can help protect endangered species associated with them. In tropical rainforests, the extinction of certain tree species will cause animals that rely on them to lose their food source. Editing key drought-tolerant genes through CRISPR technology can improve the ability of these plants to survive in extreme drought environments, thereby protecting the endangered animals that coexist with them. CRISPR technology also shows great potential in improving animals' adaptability to climate change. Rising temperatures in the Arctic have reduced the hunting areas and food sources of endangered species such as polar bears. Enhancing their fat metabolism capacity through gene editing may help them better cope with high temperature environments. CRISPR technology can also adjust the migration behavior genes of certain birds and fish, allowing them to find more suitable habitats (Merlin et al., 2019).