
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-8 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 6 recognizing the identities, emotions, and states of other cats. A deeper understanding of a cat's olfactory cognitive abilities can enable owners to better meet their needs, provide suitable environments, and enhance understanding and communication between humans and cats. 2.2 Spatial perception Spatial perception is an important component of a cat's cognitive abilities, with their sensitivity to territories and the environment playing a crucial role in their lives. Cats adapt to changes in their environment through perceiving and utilizing their surroundings. A cat's innate territorial and environmental sensitivity is a fundamental instinct. Cats are highly territorial animals, preferring to establish their territories in specific areas and guarding them. This territorial perception allows cats to recognize which areas belong to them and which belong to other cats. They mark their territory with their scent through urine, cheek rubbing, and other means, serving as a warning to other cats not to intrude. Cats are also very sensitive to changes in their territories, allowing them to detect if the scents of other cats have entered their territory and take action when necessary. Spatial perception enables cats to adapt to changes in their environment, whether it's the expansion of their territory or alterations in the external environment. Cats use their territorial perception to plan their actions, deciding when to enter specific areas and when to remain vigilant. When cats perceive the scents of other cats, they may take action to defend their territory. On the other hand, cats can also use spatial perception to adapt to changes in the environment, such as during household relocations or the introduction of new pets. They gradually adapt to new environments by exploring new areas, marking their scent, and observing the reactions of other cats. The spatial perception of cats not only helps them maintain their territories but also enables them to adapt to ever-changing environments. By perceiving and analyzing their surroundings, cats can make appropriate decisions to protect their territories and survival. A deeper understanding of a cat's spatial perception abilities can help create a suitable living environment for them, allowing cats to adapt to changes more effectively and maintain their roles in social interactions. 2.3 Problem-solving abilities Problem-solving abilities are a significant aspect of a cat's cognitive skills, and they often exhibit a tendency to independently solve problems, even using parts of their bodies such as their paws and mouths as tools to resolve challenges. This ability not only demonstrates their intelligence but also reflects their flexibility in adapting to complex environments and dealing with various challenges. Cats are naturally inclined to independently solve problems. When faced with puzzles, they prefer to rely on their own abilities to find solutions rather than seeking help from other cats or humans. This independence is evident in their behaviors, such as when searching for food, exploring their environment, or reaching elevated places, where cats use their efforts to overcome obstacles and showcase their problem-solving abilities. This independent problem-solving ability is especially crucial in the wild for hunting and survival. When solving problems, cats often use parts of their bodies like their paws and mouths as tools. For example, when they need to open door handles, move light objects, or access food, cats may use their paws to pull, push (Figure 5), or use their mouths to pick up and move objects. This behavior indicates that cats not only have the ability to analyze problems but also can determine when and how to use different body parts to solve them. Research has also found that cats may employ various strategies when solving problems based on the specific situation, showcasing their intelligence and flexibility. While cats are less likely to seek human assistance compared to other animals like dogs, their problem-solving abilities remain highly remarkable. Cats exhibit independent problem-solving abilities when confronted with various challenges and issues, utilizing their intelligence and body parts to find suitable solutions. The existence of this ability not only enriches people's understanding of cat cognitive abilities but also demonstrates their powerful potential as social animals in adapting to their environment and overcoming challenges.