
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-8 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 3 people to understand their emotional world (Saito and Shinozuka, 2013). In the world of cats, vocal communication is a subtle and fascinating language that deserves in-depth exploration. 1.2 Postures and movements In the cat world, language isn't the sole means of communication. In addition to vocal communication, postures and movements play a crucial role in conveying emotions, intentions, and relationships among cats. Let's explore cat postures and movements in detail, including body rubbing, shoulder shrugging, and stretching. Body rubbing is a common social behavior among cats and between cats and humans, representing friendliness and closeness (Bernstein, 2007). When a cat rubs its head, body, or tail against another cat or a human, it is, in fact, sharing its scent, expressing mutual recognition and friendship. This behavior is both a form of social interaction and a bridge for establishing connections, allowing cats to better understand each other's identity. Body rubbing can occur both within the home and when cats are exploring new environments. Regardless of the context, body rubbing highlights the emotional bonds among cats and between cats and humans. Cats use postures and movements to convey emotions, with shoulder shrugging being a distinctive behavior when a cat is feeling wary, dissatisfied, or fearful. When a cat is nervous or feels insecure, it may tense its body, causing its fur to stand on end, making itself appear larger. This posture signifies the cat's unease and vigilance, as it tries to protect itself and appear more intimidating in situations involving unfamiliar or potentially threatening elements. The shrugging gesture fully illustrates the cats' self-protection awareness and the behaviors they adopt in the face of unfamiliar or unsafe situations. Cats often assume a stretched body posture when they feel comfortable and relaxed. When a cat lies down, stretches out its limbs, and sometimes even rolls over, it's expressing satisfaction and relaxation. This behavior not only helps cats stretch their bodies but also showcases their inner calm and joy. This relaxed posture typically appears in environments where cats feel safe and comfortable, reflecting their emotional state and mental well-being. Cats communicate a rich array of emotions and intentions through various postures and movements. Behaviors like body rubbing, shoulder shrugging, and stretching not only reveal their interactions with other members and humans but also provide a window into understanding a cat's emotional world. A deeper understanding of these postures and movements can help people better comprehend a cat's needs, emotions, and social relationships. 1.3 Olfactory communication In the realm of cat communication, olfaction also plays a significant role. Through behaviors such as grooming and cheek rubbing, cats can convey scent information, mark territory, and express affection. Let's explore cat olfactory communication methods in detail. Grooming is a common social behavior among cats, serving not only to maintain personal hygiene but also to convey scent information, strengthening their relationships. When a cat grooms another cat, they are not only taking care of their cleanliness but also transferring their scent (Figure 2). This scent information holds significant meaning within a cat group, helping to confirm identities, status, and mutual relationships. Moreover, when a mother cat grooms her kittens, she also transmits scent information in this way, reinforcing the bond between mother and offspring. Cheek rubbing is a prominent behavior both in interactions among cats and between cats and humans. When a cat rubs its cheek against an object, another cat, or a human, it is essentially releasing a specific secretion from its cheek glands. This secretion contains individual information, essentially acting as a "scent business card" that can be smelled by other cats, enabling them to identify its source. Cheek rubbing not only helps mark territory but also conveys closeness and friendliness. When a cat rubs its cheek against another cat or a human, it conveys a message of an intimate relationship, aiding in building connections within social interactions.