
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 22-30 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 27 As a high-throughput genetic research method, GWAS has played an important role in the identification of porcine disease resistance genetic genes, but its limitations and challenges also require in depth research and solutions to better understand porcine disease resistance. genetic basis and provide more effective strategies and methods for disease prevention and control and breeding and selection. 3 Identification and Functional Study of Porcine Disease Resistance Genetic Genes 3.1 Prominent disease resistance-related genes and SNPs Studies have shown that porcine disease resistance is related to the complex interactions of multiple genes, among which some genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are particularly prominent (Geraci et al., 2019). For example, studies on swine fever resistance have found that some specific alleles in the SLA class I and class II gene families are closely related to disease resistance. Regarding resistance to Streptococcus suis infection, studies have found that some SNPs in the Toll-like receptor (TLR) gene family are closely related to disease resistance. The study also found that genes IGF2, PIGF, SLA, CD163, etc. are also considered to be key factors in resistance to heat and respiratory diseases in pigs. The identification of these genes and SNPs provides important clues for further research on the molecular mechanisms of disease resistance. 3.2 Gene functions and their mechanisms in disease resistance For prominent disease resistance-related genes and SNPs, researchers are in-depth exploration of their exact mechanisms of action in disease resistance. Through bioinformatics, molecular biology and other technical means, scientists have gradually revealed the functions of these genes in immune regulation, pathogen recognition, inflammatory response and other aspects. For example, for the SLA gene, studies have found that the molecule it encodes plays an important role in pathogen recognition and antigen presentation. The TLR gene family is involved in the immune signaling process after pathogen recognition. These functional studies will help people gain a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of porcine disease resistance and provide a theoretical basis for breeding disease-resistant pigs. 3.3 Application of gene editing and other technologies in the study of disease resistance gene functions With the development of gene editing technologies, such as the widespread application of tools such as CRISPR/Cas9, researchers have begun to explore the application of these technologies in the functional study of disease resistance genes. By targeting specific gene edits or modifications, scientists can simulate the effects of different genotypes and gain a clearer understanding of the gene's role in disease resistance. The application of gene editing technology can not only verify candidate genes previously discovered in GWAS and other studies, but also enable in-depth exploration of the specific functions of these genes in disease resistance. Gene editing also provides new methods and ideas for disease resistance breeding, such as improving pig resistance to specific pathogens through precise gene editing. The identification and functional study of disease resistance-related genes provide important scientific support for researchers to deeply understand the immune mechanism of pigs, improve the disease resistance of pigs, and breed disease-resistant pigs. In the future, with the continuous development of technology and in-depth research, people are expected to make better use of gene editing and other technologies to solve challenges in the field of porcine disease resistance and make greater contributions to the sustainable development of the breeding industry. 4 Application Prospects of GWAS Research in Improving Porcine Disease Resistance 4.1 The importance and achievements of GWAS in research on the genetic basis of disease resistance in pigs GWAS (Genome-wide association analysis), as a high-throughput genome analysis method, has shown great potential in the study of disease resistance in pigs. Through GWAS, researchers are able to comprehensively assess genetic variation in large-scale pig populations and identify genotypes and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with specific disease resistance. This approach has led to a number of important achievements, most notably a deeper understanding of the genetic basis of disease resistance in pigs. Through GWAS, scientists have identified multiple genes related to porcine disease resistance, providing a strong theoretical basis for further disease control and genetic improvement (Korte and Farlow, 2013).