
International Journal of Molecular Zoology 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-8 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmz 7 Figure 5 A cat scratching with its claws 2.4 Emotional cognition Emotional cognition is a significant aspect of a cat's cognitive abilities, with their high sensitivity to their owner's emotions and their ability to express joy, anger, sorrow, and other emotions through cognitive behaviors being noteworthy research topics. Studies indicate that cats have the capacity to discern emotions and moods, perceive changes in human emotions, and respond through their behavior (Turner, 2021). Cats exhibit a considerable sensitivity to changes in their owner's emotions. They can perceive their owner's emotional states, such as joy, anger, or anxiety, and may display different behavioral responses when their owner's emotions fluctuate. For example, when their owner is in a good mood, cats may become more affectionate and active, while during periods of low spirits, they may engage in more comforting behaviors, like staying close to their owner or softly vocalizing. Cats express their joy, anger, sorrow, and other emotions through cognitive behaviors, which can be observed through their posture, expressions, and vocalizations. When cats are content and relaxed, they may assume stretched-out postures and purr, among other signs. Conversely, when cats are displeased or frightened, they may raise their shoulders, bristle their fur, and may even emit growls or hissing. Additionally, cats may choose different resting or hiding spots based on their emotions. Research on emotional cognition helps deepen the understanding of the emotional communication between cats and humans, providing insights into their inner world. Cats can sensitively perceive emotional changes and respond through appropriate behaviors, which enables them to better adapt to and interact with humans (Bradshaw et al., 2012). As social animals, cats communicate and express themselves through various means, including sounds, postures, olfaction, and physical contact. They possess the ability to discern emotions and moods, are sensitive to their owner's emotional changes, and express joy, anger, sorrow, and other emotions through cognitive behaviors. This array of complex cognitive and communicative methods enriches our understanding of cat cognition and behavior patterns, while also deepening the emotional bond between humans and cats. 3 Conclusion Cats are truly remarkable animals that have developed a rich and diverse social communication system through various means, including sounds, body language, olfaction, and physical contact. Their cognitive abilities allow them to display remarkable intelligence and adaptability in social interactions, survival, and environmental adaptation. This review delves into the ways cats communicate and their cognitive abilities, revealing how they interact with humans and other cats, as well as how they adapt to their environments and form emotional bonds through cognitive behaviors. In social communication, cats use vocalizations to express a wide range of emotions and needs. Sounds such as purring, meowing, hissing, and growling convey a cat's emotional state, allowing people to better understand their