
International Journal of Molecular Veterinary Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 23-31 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmvr 28 replication. Detailed study of how viral genes interact with host cell transcription factors and regulate the host cell's RNA synthesis mechanism can reveal key points in the regulation of viral gene transcription. Translation of viral genes is a key process in converting synthesized RNA into proteins. Understanding how viral genes utilize the host cell's translation mechanism, including interaction and regulation with the host cell's ribosomes, can help reveal the biosynthetic process of viral proteins and provide important clues for intervention in the viral life cycle. Viral replication involves the replication of the viral genome and the assembly of new viral particles. In-depth study of key nodes in this process, such as the activity regulation of viral replicase and the accuracy of genome replication, will help to find intervention methods for viral replication. This not only provides new targets for treatment, but also provides a theoretical basis for vaccine development. Host cells respond to viral infection by regulating their own gene expression, forming a complex network of disease resistance mechanisms. In-depth study of this network will help to comprehensively understand the host's disease resistance mechanism and provide guidance for the development of more precise antiviral strategies. How host cells sense viral invasion is a key starting point for disease resistance mechanisms. Studying the mechanisms of virus recognition receptors and signal transduction pathways can help researchers understand how host cells sense viral invasion and initiate corresponding defense mechanisms. Host genes play an important role in the process of viral infection. By regulating the expression of host genes, cells can adjust their internal environment to inhibit viral replication. In-depth study of the molecular mechanisms regulating host gene expression can provide a theoretical basis for designing intervention measures. The immune genes of host cells are activated after infection and participate in the process of resisting viral infection. Understanding the regulatory mechanisms of these immune genes and how they work together to clear the virus is of great significance for the development of new immunotherapeutics (Dai et al., 2023). Through in-depth research on gene expression and regulation, this study can more comprehensively understand the molecular interaction between the H5N1 avian influenza virus and chickens, and provide in-depth insights for the development of more precise and efficient prevention and control strategies. Not only does this help curb the spread of the virus, it also opens up vast areas for future research to further challenge the understanding and treatment of the disease. 4 Prevention and Control Strategies and Measures 4.1 Vaccine development and application The threat of the H5N1 avian influenza virus has become increasingly prominent. To effectively prevent and control the spread of the virus, the development and application of vaccines are self-evident. Although some vaccines are currently in use, their effectiveness has certain limitations and requires more in-depth research and innovation. Existing avian influenza vaccines are mainly based on the hemagglutinin (HA) antigen on the virus surface, which is the key protein for the virus to enter host cells (Dey et al., 2023). However, the H5N1 virus has high variability and is prone to antigenic drift, that is, antigenic differences between virus strains, which challenges the immune effect of existing vaccines in long-term application. Antigenic drift can lead to vaccine ineffectiveness, so vaccines need to be constantly updated to match emerging virus strains. Secondly, the production cycle of existing vaccines is relatively long and cannot be produced quickly and meet large-scale demand when an epidemic breaks out. This puts a certain amount of time pressure on the effective application of vaccines in the face of sudden epidemics. Therefore, shortening the vaccine production cycle has become one of the urgent problems in the field of vaccine research and development. In order to overcome the limitations of existing vaccines, researchers are actively exploring the design and development of new vaccines. Among them, an important research direction is multi-antigen vaccines. This kind of vaccine can cover the mutations of multiple virus strains and improve the immunity against different virus