
International Journal of Molecular Veterinary Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 17-22 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmvr 20 the cat's nutritional intake but may also result in other related issues, such as weight loss and further compromise of the immune system. Different living conditions and environmental factors within cat populations may influence the clinical manifestations of FCV infection (Tao et al., 2023). Domesticated cats, receiving regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations, may exhibit milder symptoms of FCV infection. Conversely, in stray cat populations living in relatively harsh environments, FCV infection may be more prevalent and present more severe symptoms. In households with multiple cats, the transmission of FCV may be rapid, posing a risk of mutual infection among family members. Managing FCV infection in such environments becomes more complex and requires targeted measures. 4 Disease Management and Prevention Strategies 4.1 Current treatment approaches Currently, antiviral drugs play a crucial role in the treatment of FCV infection (Tian et al., 2020). Some drugs, such as antiviral nucleoside analogs, have been widely used and have achieved success in alleviating acute infection symptoms. However, addressing the long-term efficacy against chronic infections remains a pressing issue. In addition to antiviral drugs, symptomatic treatment is also an essential means of managing FCV infections. For instance, maintaining fluid balance through oral or injectable fluids and employing supportive therapies to alleviate respiratory symptoms in cats. These treatment methods can provide effective support during the acute infection period. 4.2 Vaccine development and application Existing FCV vaccines have shown some effectiveness in preventing infection and reducing symptoms (Wang, 2023). However, challenges arise due to the existence of viral variants that exhibit resistance to traditional vaccines. Therefore, evaluating the effectiveness of existing vaccines and considering modifications to enhance their broad-spectrum coverage is a crucial direction in current research. With the continuous advancement of vaccine technology, the development of the next generation of FCV vaccines is underway. These vaccines may be more broad-spectrum, covering a greater range of variants, and providing more durable immune protection. Future research will focus on the safety and efficacy of these novel vaccines. 4.3 Future research directions Future vaccine research will emphasize the development of more innovative and efficient FCV vaccines. This may involve using new vaccine vectors, modifying vaccine components, and utilizing genetic engineering techniques to design more intelligent vaccines. These efforts are expected to offer comprehensive immune protection and alleviate the impact of FCV infection on cat populations. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of chronic FCV infection is crucial for developing more precise treatment methods (Zhou et al., 2021). Future research will delve into the virus's lifecycle within host cells, seeking new targets for treating chronic infections. In-depth exploration in this field holds the potential to provide new breakthroughs in treating chronic FCV infections. 5 Conclusion FCV, as a common cat virus, is crucially important to understand comprehensively for the development of effective treatment and prevention strategies. In-depth research into the virology, transmission dynamics, and the impact of chronic infections of FCV provides researchers with a more comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and behavior of this virus. From viral structure to host range, transmission pathways to potential consequences, this information lays the foundation for developing comprehensive management plans. At the clinical level, this study delves into the clinical manifestations of FCV infection, the characteristics of chronic infections, and the interactions with other cat viruses. Through clinical case analysis, researchers can gain