
International Journal of Molecular Veterinary Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 9-16 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmvr 15 4Summary Gene-edited cows represent a revolutionary biotechnology with immense potential to enhance agricultural production, increase food yield and quality, reduce environmental impact, and enhance agricultural sustainability. Through CRISPR-Cas9 technology, scientists can precisely edit the genes of cows to increase milk fat synthesis efficiency, improve dairy production, and enhance the quality of dairy products. However, beyond these significant advantages, researchers must also recognize the challenges associated with gene-edited cows, including legal and regulatory issues, societal acceptance, and food safety concerns. Future research and applications need to consider these factors comprehensively to ensure the sustainable development and widespread application of the technology, while also safeguarding animal welfare and consumer interests. Gene-edited cows have achieved significant milestones. Researchers have successfully edited multiple key genes in the milk synthesis pathway, such as FASN and ACACA, to enhance the efficiency of fatty acid and protein synthesis. Through gene editing, daily milk production in cows has significantly increased, providing a viable pathway to meet the growing global demand for dairy products. Successful cases of gene-edited cows further demonstrate the potential for diverse applications in various fields. Improving the milk synthesis pathway is crucial for increasing the production of fatty acids, with implications for the production of dairy products like butter and cream. Additionally, optimizing the milk protein synthesis pathway has positively impacted the quality and nutritional value of dairy products. On the other hand, by editing immune-related genes, researchers aim to enhance cows' resistance to diseases, reducing veterinary costs and medication use, which is crucial for the sustainability of agricultural production. Despite these significant successes, the field of gene-edited cows faces several challenges. Firstly, the widespread application of CRISPR-Cas9 technology may lead to a reduction in genetic diversity. Frequent editing of cow genes may, to some extent, reduce the genetic diversity of the cow population, potentially making the entire population more vulnerable to new diseases or environmental changes. Therefore, measures need to be taken to balance the benefits of gene editing with the maintenance of genetic diversity, ensuring the overall health and stability of the cow population. Another crucial challenge is the inconsistency in international laws and regulations. There are differences in the legal and regulatory frameworks for gene edited cows among different countries and regions, which leads to legal and regulatory uncertainties. This makes cross-border cooperation and international trade more complex, which brings uncertainty to scientific research and agricultural production. The international community needs to strengthen collaboration to establish unified regulations and standards to ensure the safety and sustainability of gene-edited cow products. Only through international cooperation can the full potential of this technology be realized, promoting the sustainable development of the global food industry. The long-term impacts and risks of gene-edited cows require further research. While the technology has shown many potential benefits in laboratory environments, more research is needed to assess its feasibility and sustainability under actual farm conditions. This includes comprehensive studies on the potential environmental and ecological impacts of cow gene editing to anticipate and address potential issues. In-depth research is necessary to better understand the potential impacts of this technology and how to manage potential risks. Despite these challenges, gene-edited cows still have extensive development prospects. Future research and applications will focus on several key areas to further improve the efficiency and sustainability of cow milk synthesis. Research may emphasize fine-tuning gene editing to avoid unwanted side effects and maximize milk production capacity. This will involve more precise gene editing tools and deeper genomic research to ensure that edited gene changes have no adverse effects on the overall health of cows. Gene editing technology can also be combined with existing breeding methods to further enhance cow production capabilities. By combining gene editing and genomics, researchers can better understand the genetic traits of cows, allowing for more precise breeding. This means better selection and breeding of cows with high milk production potential, further increasing the yield and quality of dairy products.