
International Journal of Molecular Veterinary Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 9-16 http://animalscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmvr 13 Figure 2 Gene editing process The principles of gene editing involve selecting target genes, designing guide RNA to direct Cas9, and utilizing the cell's repair mechanisms to achieve precise editing of target genes. This process provides a powerful tool for dairy cow improvement, with the potential to enhance milk production and quality, marking a revolutionary advancement in the agricultural sector. 2.3 Prospects of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in dairy cow improvement The prospects of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in dairy cow improvement have garnered widespread attention as it offers a new pathway for enhancing milk production and quality in dairy cow. CRISPR-Cas9 technology can be employed to boost the lipid synthesis capacity of dairy cow, directly impacting the fat content of dairy products. By editing genes associated with lipid synthesis, researchers can regulate the production and accumulation of fatty acids, thus increasing the fat content in milk. Through precise editing of key genes in the lipid synthesis pathway, scientists can achieve not only an increase in fat content but also adjust the fatty acid composition to produce healthier fats, such as dairy products rich in unsaturated fatty acids. With the global population continually increasing and the dairy market expanding, the urgent need to enhance dairy production has become paramount in the agricultural sector. CRISPR-Cas9 technology provides new possibilities for achieving this goal. By editing genes related to both lipid synthesis and milk protein synthesis, scientists can improve the milk-producing performance of dairy cow. This includes not only increasing the daily milk yield per cow but also enhancing the protein content in dairy products. Improving the composition of milk proteins allows for the production of more diverse dairy products, such as high-protein yogurt, shakes, and dairy ingredients. Increasing dairy production in cow can reduce adverse environmental impacts. By enhancing the milk production of individual cows, it becomes possible to achieve the same amount of dairy output with fewer cows. This reduces the resource demands of the dairy industry, including feed, water, and land, thereby alleviating the pressure on greenhouse gas emissions and land use. Improving the health and resilience of dairy cow reduces reliance on antibiotics and medications, contributing to a reduction in the risk of drug residues in dairy products. Gene editing can lower the risk of potential pathogenic microorganisms and harmful substances in dairy products, thus enhancing food safety. Scientists can increase the efficiency of the immune system by editing genes in dairy cow, reducing the chances of cows contracting diseases and, consequently, lowering the potential risk of pathogens entering dairy products. Editing genes in dairy cow to decrease the levels of specific harmful