
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 86-94 90 3 Key Findings from GWAS 3.1 Significant association loci In recent years, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have made significant progress in unveiling the genetic basis of flocking behavior in sheep. Through this technique, researchers have successfully identified multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and gene regions significantly associated with sheep flocking behavior (Jiang et al., 2021). For instance, specific SNP loci have been found to be related to traits such as social tendencies, leadership behaviors, and the ability to respond to external stimuli in sheep. These loci are often located in or near genes controlling important biological pathways such as neural development, stress response, and social cognition. The discovery of these significant association loci not only enriches our understanding of the genetic foundations of sheep flocking behavior but also provides potential genetic markers for future breeding programs. For example, variations in certain gene regions may make sheep more adaptable to group living, a trait that is significant for improving the overall welfare and productivity of the flock. By analyzing the biological functions of these loci in depth, researchers can better understand the genetic regulatory mechanisms of sheep flocking behavior, providing a scientific basis for precision breeding. 3.2 Revealing genetic architecture The application of GWAS has not only revealed specific genetic markers related to sheep flocking behavior but has also helped us understand the genetic architecture of these behaviors. Studies have shown that sheep flocking behavior results from the interaction of multiple genes distributed across different chromosomes, involving various biological processes and pathways. This polygenic inheritance pattern illustrates the high complexity and genetic diversity of sheep flocking behavior. Mohammadi et al. (2020) found that GWAS identified genomic regions affecting growth and wool traits in Zandi sheep (Table 1). While focusing on physical traits, the identified genes and processes have broader implications for understanding complex behaviors such as group living. Table 1 Descriptive statistics of 13 sheep growth traits and wool characteristics (Mohammadi et al., 2020) Traits Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Standard error Birth weight (kg) 4.10 0.77 2.10 6.28 0.068 Weaning weight (kg) 25.69 4.80 9.00 30.00 0.484 6-month weight (kg) 38.14 5.29 13.10 59.00 0.519 9-month weight (kg) 45.90 5.98 24.04 62.00 0.569 12-month weight (kg) 58.46 6.79 30.13 69.25 0.604 Preweaning average daily 0.12gain (kg) 0.197 0.04 0.08 0.34 0.004 Postweaning average daily gain (kg) 0.126 0.07 0.03 0.41 0.007 Mean Fiber diameter (μm) 29.85 3.25 22.40 39.04 0.032 Fiber diameter coefficient of variation (%) 43.12 7.84 19.00 68.35 0.764 Prickle factor (%) 27.04 10.42 12.04 43.10 0.998 Staple length (cm) 11.25 3.92 6.00 19.00 0.035 Kemp (%) 5.81 1.16 1.89 8.96 0.015 Outer coat fiber (%) 2.37 2.10 0.97 9.33 0.020 Additionally, genetic diversity plays a key role in the expression of flocking behavior. Sheep with different genetic backgrounds may exhibit different social behavior patterns under the same environmental conditions. This diversity not only reflects the sheep's ability to adapt to various ecological environments but also presents challenges and opportunities for breeding. By analyzing GWAS results, researchers can better understand the diversity and complexity of the genetic basis of flocking behavior, providing theoretical support for breeding sheep with superior social behavior traits. 3.3 Gene-environment interaction Another important finding from GWAS is the role of gene-environment interactions in sheep flocking behavior. Studies have shown that the strength of association between certain genetic markers and flocking behavior can