
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 86-94 89 Through GWAS, researchers have successfully identified multiple genetic markers associated with sheep flocking behavior. These findings not only enrich our understanding of the genetic regulation of sheep flocking behavior but also provide new genetic resources for breeding. However, despite significant progress in uncovering the genetic basis of sheep flocking behavior, GWAS also faces some limitations and challenges. For instance, the reproducibility and interpretability of GWAS results are influenced by multiple factors such as sample size, genetic background, and environmental factors. Additionally, GWAS typically only identifies a small portion of genetic variations contributing to phenotypes, and many minor genetic effects may still be difficult to detect. Despite these challenges, GWAS remains a powerful tool for revealing the genetic foundations of complex traits, including sheep flocking behavior. Future research needs to combine larger sample sizes, more comprehensive genetic information, and advanced statistical analysis methods to overcome current limitations and further unveil the genetic regulatory mechanisms of sheep flocking behavior. 2 Analysis of Flocking Behavior in Sheep 2.1 Types and characteristics of flocking behavior Flocking behavior in sheep encompasses various patterns and characteristics that contribute to the overall dynamics of sheep herds. Sheep typically exhibit two primary types of flocking behavior: grazing and marching. Grazing behavior is characterized by the flock spreading out to forage, leading to an expansion and contraction pattern in their movement. In contrast, marching behavior involves the flock moving as a cohesive unit with higher polarization and lower angular momentum, often in response to threats or environmental stimuli (Welch et al., 2023). 2.2 Impact of flocking behavior on survival and reproduction Flocking behavior significantly impacts sheep survival and reproduction. Coordinated movement within the flock enhances predator avoidance by diluting the risk of attack to individuals. This collective behavior provides a survival advantage, ensuring that sheep remain part of a cohesive group, which is crucial for their safety and well-being. Additionally, maternal behaviors, such as a ewe's proximity to her lamb, are heritable traits that can influence lamb survival. Ewes demonstrating better maternal behavior tend to have higher lamb survival rates, indicating a favorable genetic correlation between flocking behavior and reproductive success (Plush et al., 2016). 2.3 Observation and recording techniques Accurate observation and recording of flocking behavior are essential for understanding its genetic basis. Techniques such as collar-mounted Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite navigation receivers enable precise tracking of sheep movements. This technology, operating at high sample rates, provides detailed data on speed, direction, and group cohesion, allowing researchers to analyze flock dynamics comprehensively. The use of proximity sensors also aids in studying social interactions and the formation of subgroups within flocks, offering insights into individual and collective behaviors (Ozella et al., 2020; Welch et al., 2023). 2.4 Relationship between flocking behavior and environmental factors Environmental factors play a crucial role in shaping flocking behavior. Variables such as weather conditions, predator presence, and resource availability influence how sheep move and interact within their flocks. For instance, flocks tend to form tighter groups in response to harsh weather conditions or predator threats. The presence of leadersheep, known for guiding the flock in times of danger, highlights the adaptive significance of specific behavioral traits under varying environmental pressures (Brunberg et al., 2020). 2.5 Impact of human intervention Human intervention, including management practices and selective breeding, can significantly affect flocking behavior in sheep. Selective breeding for traits such as low agitation and favorable maternal behaviors can enhance flock cohesion and improve lamb survival rates. Moreover, management strategies that consider social structures and environmental factors can optimize flock welfare and productivity. Understanding the genetic underpinnings of flocking behavior allows for targeted interventions that align with both animal welfare and production goals (Plush et al., 2011; Ozella et al., 2020).