
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 82-85 83 Figure 1 Phylogenetic relationships and syntenic architecture of cyclostomes and gnathostomes Figure 4 demonstrates the functional impacts of whole genome duplication (WGD) and gene loss in vertebrates. Figure 4a lists key gene families associated with neural crest cells (NCC), showing their duplication patterns in 1RV and 2RJV, supporting the hypothesis that NCC predates 1RV. Figure 4b displays the functional annotation enrichment of gene retention patterns across different vertebrate species, revealing different retention patterns of genes related to the central nervous system (CNS) and organ development after genome duplication. Figure 4c compares gene expression patterns among eels, lampreys, and amphioxus, highlighting the lowest expression specificity in eels. Figure 4d shows the loss of gene families in vertebrates and other deuterostomes, emphasizing significant gene loss in eels. Figure 4e displays the functional enrichment of gene families lost in eels, particularly noting the simplification of the visual and hormonal systems. Figure 4f presents two alpha-keratin gene clusters on chromosomes 14 and 4 of eels and their expression in different tissues, highlighting the unique gene expression patterns in the eel's mucous glands.