
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 4 thereby regulating the growth rate of crucian carp. Insulin-like growth factors (IGF) are another set of molecules that play a crucial role in the regulation of fish growth. They function in cell differentiation, proliferation, and growth, usually secreted by the liver. After binding to the IGF receptor, IGF activates multiple signaling pathways, further promoting cell proliferation and growth. Gene editing can be employed to explore ways to regulate the IGF signaling pathway, affecting the growth rate of crucian carp. 2.2 Regulation of genes related to muscle development Muscle development in crucian carp significantly influences its growth rate. Key genes associated with muscle development can be precisely controlled through gene editing. MyoD is a type of gene closely associated with the differentiation and development of muscle cells. These genes encode transcription factors that promote the differentiation of muscle cells. By editing the MyoD gene or related genes, it is possible to enhance or inhibit the muscle growth of crucian carp, thereby affecting overall growth rate. Muscle fiber protein is one of the key proteins constituting muscle fibers. Editing the expression of muscle fiber protein genes can alter the quantity and quality of muscle fibers, thus influencing the growth rate and body development of crucian carp. Through gene editing technology, researchers can accurately regulate these genes and signaling pathways related to growth rate, so as to achieve accurate control of the growth speed of crucian carp. This providing a powerful tool for improving the quality and production efficiency of crucian carp, also opens up new prospects for the sustainable development of aquaculture industry. 3 Regulation Mechanisms of Fat Content 3.1 Regulation of genes related to fat synthesis Fat content is a crucial indicator of the quality of crucian carp, influenced by various gene regulations and metabolic processes. When studying the regulatory mechanisms of fat content, researchers must focus on genes related to fat synthesis. Fatty acids are the main components of fat and are synthesized through the fatty acid synthesis pathway. In crucian carp, some key genes encoding enzymes play a vital role in the production of fatty acids. Using gene editing techniques, the expression of these genes can be regulated, affecting the rate of fatty acid synthesis and subsequently influencing the accumulation of fat in crucian carp. After the synthesis of fatty acids, they are typically stored in adipocytes. Some proteins encoded by fat storage protein genes play a crucial role in the storage and release of fatty acids. By editing these genes, it is possible to affect fat storage and distribution, thereby regulating the fat content of crucian carp. 3.2 Regulation of genes related to fat degradation In addition to fat synthesis, fat content is also regulated by the process of fat degradation. Fat degradation is the process of releasing and metabolizing fatty acids stored in adipocytes. Fatty acid oxidation is a critical step in fat degradation, occurring in the mitochondria. Some genes related to fatty acid oxidation encode oxidases that catalyze the breakdown of fatty acids and generate energy. By editing these genes, the rate of fatty acid oxidation can be adjusted, affecting the extent of fat degradation. Hormones such as thyroid hormones, insulin, and adrenaline play essential roles in the process of fat degradation. These hormones regulate fat degradation by influencing fatty acid oxidation and release. Gene editing technology can be used to study the mechanisms of action of these hormones and how to influence fat degradation by regulating related genes. Through gene editing technology, researchers can precisely regulate genes and signaling pathways related to fat synthesis and degradation, achieving accurate control of fat content in crucian carp. This not only contributes to improving the quality of crucian carp but also holds the potential to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture.