
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 62-71 66 production performance and adaptability of poultry (Figure 2). By editing disease-resistant genes, poultry breeds with natural immunity to certain diseases can be bred, which is of great significance for reducing the use of antibiotics and improving poultry health and welfare. In addition, gene editing technology also has great application prospects in improving poultry's stress resistance and adapting to different feeding environments. Figure 2 Genome editing in poultry species (Khwatenge and Nahashon, 2021) Note: Primordial germ cells (PGCs) in poultry can be obtained from embryonic blood and embryonic gonads; Delivery of genome editing tools such as the CRISPR/Cas9 system is followed by the establishment of genome-edited poultry by microinjection of directly isolated or in vitro cultured PGCs into the blood vessels of recipient embryos; Avian genome editing systems can be applied to produce various avian models and poultry 3.3 The importance of genetic diversity in improving poultry adaptability Genetic diversity is the basis for biological populations to adapt to environmental changes, maintain health and survive. Maintaining or increasing genetic diversity is also crucial during poultry improvement. A high degree of genetic diversity can provide richer genetic resources, making poultry breeds more adaptable and resistant, and able to better cope with environmental changes, diseases and other stresses. Long-term selective breeding may lead to a reduction in genetic diversity, making poultry populations vulnerable and less adaptable to disease and environmental changes. The protection and enhancement of genetic diversity must be considered in genetic improvement strategies. This can be achieved by introducing genetic material from wild populations, establishing a genetic resource bank, and adopting rotational mating and mixed breeding strategies. By maintaining and improving genetic diversity, not only can the overall adaptability and production performance of the poultry population be enhanced, but it can also provide a wider range of choices and flexibility for future breeding. Selective breeding, gene editing technology and maintaining genetic diversity are three key strategies in poultry genetic improvement. Each has its own advantages, but the most effective improvement programs often require a combination of these strategies to ensure that poultry breeds are both productive and adaptable to changing environmental conditions. With the continuous advancement of molecular biology technology, poultry genetic improvement will be more accurate and efficient, providing solid scientific and technological support for the sustainable development of the global poultry industry. 4 Challenges and Opportunities in Practice 4.1 Technical and economic challenges With the increasing application of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and genetic improvement technology in poultry breeding, researchers face many technical and economic challenges. GWAS requires a large amount of genotype data and precise phenotypic data, which poses a huge challenge to data collection and processing (Tam et al., 2019). In many cases, obtaining a sufficient sample size to ensure statistical power of the study requires a significant investment of time and resources. Although the price of high-throughput sequencing technology has been declining year by year, large-scale application still requires huge investment. Especially for small and medium-sized breeding enterprises, this cost often becomes a difficult threshold to overcome.