
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 54-61 57 3.2 Acquisition and quality control of genotype data Obtaining high-quality genotype data is one of the key steps for conducting genome-wide association analysis. Commonly used methods for obtaining genotype data include gene chip technology and whole-genome sequencing technology. Gene chip technology has the advantages of high throughput and low cost, and is suitable for genotype analysis of large-scale samples; while whole-genome sequencing technology can provide more comprehensive and accurate genotype information, but the cost is higher. After genotype data is obtained, strict quality control is required, including checking the completeness, consistency, and accuracy of the data, and removing low-quality data and erroneous labels to ensure the reliability and validity of subsequent analysis. 3.3 Statistical models for genome-wide association analysis Statistical models for genome-wide association analysis are key tools for determining associations between genotypes and traits. Commonly used genome-wide association analysis methods include linear models, mixed models, Bayesian methods, etc. The linear model is more convenient to calculate under simplified conditions and is suitable for situations with a small sample size; the mixed model can take into account the impact of population structure and kinship on the results and is suitable for situations with a large sample size; the Bayesian method can Provides the posterior distribution of gene effects, which is more suitable for situations where the sample size is small but more precise results are required. When selecting an appropriate statistical model, factors such as the number of samples, the genetic background of the trait, and the population structure need to be taken into consideration, and adjusted and optimized based on the actual situation to improve the efficiency and accuracy of association analysis. 3.4 Identification and verification of key trait markers Following genome-wide association analysis, the identified key trait markers need to be further identified and validated. This includes conducting verification experiments, functional verification, etc. on the association between markers and traits to confirm the true association between markers and traits, and further explore their mechanism of action and influencing factors. For example, the function and impact of markers can be verified through transgenic animal models (Hou et al., 2021); the expression patterns and biological functions of markers in sheep can also be studied through histological, biochemical and other methods. At the same time, cross-validation, re-validation and other analyzes are also needed to ensure the stability and reliability of the markers. Through the application of the above whole-genome association analysis methods, mutton production traits can be effectively optimized, the quality and yield of mutton can be improved, and strong support can be provided for the genetic improvement of livestock and poultry and the development of the breeding industry. The continuous development and improvement of genome-wide association analysis methods will further promote the research and practice of optimization of mutton production traits and contribute to the sustainable development of the mutton industry. 4 Application of Genome-Wide Association Analysis in Mutton Production Traits Optimization of mutton production is a comprehensive topic, involving many aspects of body shape, muscle tissue, fat tissue and other traits. Through genome-wide association analysis, people can deeply study the genetic basis of these traits and provide precise improvement plans for mutton production. 4.1 Optimization of body shape-related traits Optimization of sheep body size is critical to lamb production. Body shape directly affects the amount and quality of meat, so it is of great significance for farmers to breed meat sheep with good body shape. Through genome-wide association analysis, Jiang et al. (2021) found some genes closely related to sheep body size. These genes may affect the growth rate, weight growth rate, height, etc. of sheep. Through in-depth study of these genes, humans can understand their mechanism of action in the process of body shape formation, thereby accurately selecting breeding objects and formulating corresponding breeding strategies to achieve precise control of sheep body shape. This will help improve the efficiency and quality of lamb production.