
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 2 the technology and how to meet market demands while ensuring environmental sustainability. These issues will be crucial focal points for future research and practice, playing a vital role in the development of the aquaculture industry. Figure 1 Crucian carp The main purpose of this study is to explore in-depth the effects of embryo gene editing technology on the growth rate and fat content of crucian carp, discussing the prospects of gene editing technology in crucian carp farming. This includes potential benefits, challenges, and future directions. Moreover, the study emphasizes how to apply gene editing technology to actual farming operations to improve the growth rate and adjust the fat content of crucian carp to meet diverse market demands. In summary, this research aims to provide scientists, agricultural practitioners, and policymakers in the aquaculture field with the latest information and insights on embryo gene editing in crucian carp. It seeks to drive innovation and sustainable development in aquaculture to meet the ever-growing demand for food. The study also underscores the importance of public education and involvement, ensuring that the application of technology aligns with societal expectations and values, providing crucial support for the sustainable development of the future aquaculture industry. 1 Gene Editing Technology Overview 1.1 Principles and applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 system The principles and applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 system have brought about revolutionary changes in the field of life sciences (Ai et al., 2017). This system originates from the immune defense mechanisms of bacteria and archaea, and has been finely modified to become a powerful gene editing tool. At the core of the CRISPR-Cas9 system is the Cas9 protein, acting as a "molecular scissors" (Figure 2), capable of cutting DNA molecules at specific locations (Roy et al., 2022). To achieve gene editing, the first step involves designing guide RNA (gRNA), a short RNA molecule with a sequence complementary to the target gene's DNA sequence. The guide RNA combines with the Cas9 protein to form a complex. This complex then recognizes and binds to the specific location of the target gene, triggering a double-strand break in the DNA. When the cell attempts to repair this break, it may introduce genetic changes, thus achieving editing. The CRISPR-Cas9 system has been widely applied in various organisms, including the crucian carp. In studies of gene editing in crucian carp embryos, scientists can precisely design guide RNA to selectively edit genes related to growth rate and fat metabolism. The high precision and efficiency of this system make gene editing in crucian carp feasible, providing unprecedented opportunities for improving crucian carp quality.