
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 54-61 55 and poultry, and improve the efficiency and quality of mutton production (Safari and Fogarty, 2019). The optimization of mutton production traits can also promote the sustainable development of animal husbandry, promote the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry, and meet social demand for high-quality livestock and poultry products. The purpose of this study was to optimize mutton production traits using genome-wide association analysis. By collecting genotype and trait performance data of large-scale individuals, using advanced statistical models and analysis methods, we can mine the genetic basis of mutton production traits and identify key genetic markers to provide scientific basis and technical support for the genetic improvement of mutton production. This study hopes to provide new genetic improvement strategies for mutton production, promote the sustainable development of the livestock and poultry industry, meet the growing consumer demand, and promote the prosperity and progress of the livestock industry. 1 Challenges and Prospects of Optimizing Mutton production traits Mutton production traits refer to various characteristics and properties that affect the quality and quantity of mutton production. It includes characteristics such as meat quality, yield, and body shape. Optimization of mutton production traits is of great significance for improving mutton production efficiency and improving meat quality. 1.1 Definition of mutton production traits Mutton production traits cover many aspects. These include the quality of the meat, the yield and quality of the meat, and the body shape of the mutton sheep (Li et al., 2024). In terms of meat quality, it mainly includes meat tenderness, fat-to-lean ratio, meat color, etc. In terms of yield and quality, it involves the growth rate and slaughter weight of mutton sheep. In terms of body shape, it mainly includes the weight and body proportion of the mutton sheep. 1.2 Importance of mutton production traits Mutton is an important part of people's daily diet, and the quality of mutton directly affects consumers' taste and health. Good mutton production traits can ensure that the mutton tastes fresh and tender, is rich in nutrients, and is conducive to improving breeding efficiency. As people pay more attention to healthy diet, high-quality, low-fat mutton is becoming more and more popular among consumers. The optimization of mutton production traits is not only related to the economic interests of producers, but also closely related to the health of consumers. By optimizing the production traits of mutton, it can not only improve breeding efficiency and reduce production costs, but also produce healthier and higher-quality mutton products to meet people's needs for food safety and nutritional health. 1.3 Current challenges in optimizing mutton production traits Although the optimization of mutton production traits is of great significance, there are still some challenges faced in actual production. First of all, mutton production traits are affected by multiple factors such as genetics, environment and management, so it is not easy to effectively optimize them. Traditional genetic improvement methods have problems such as long time and high cost, which limit the efficiency and speed of optimization of mutton production traits. Therefore, how to use advanced genetic technology to speed up the pace of optimization of mutton production traits has become an urgent problem to be solved. In mutton production, there are significant genetic differences between different breeds and individuals, which provides a basis for the optimization of mutton production traits. However, in order to achieve rapid and accurate optimization, relying solely on traditional selection methods is no longer suitable. Therefore, the introduction of advanced genetic technologies such as genome-wide association analysis has become an important way to solve the problem of optimizing mutton production traits. By deeply exploring the genetic information of sheep breeds, finding gene loci related to target traits, and using this information for precise selection, we can effectively improve the optimization efficiency of mutton production traits, accelerate the genetic process, and thus promote the sustainability of mutton production. develop.