
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 45-53 51 The application of GWAS in improving livestock production traits holds significant importance. Through GWAS, researchers can more accurately identify the key genes and genetic markers affecting production traits, providing a scientific basis for the selection and optimization of breeding targets. This accelerates the process of livestock genetic improvement, enhancing the productivity and economic benefits of the livestock industry. 5 Frontiers and Challenges in Livestock Production Trait Research 5.1 The rise of emerging technologies With technological advancements, emerging technologies continue to rise in the study of livestock production traits. Among these, gene editing technology is a field that has garnered significant attention (Wang and Doudna, 2023). Through techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9, researchers can precisely edit the animal genome, directly regulating target genes to achieve rapid genetic improvement. The advent of this technology has provided a new approach and methodology for livestock production trait research, allowing scientists to more accurately explore the genetic factors affecting livestock traits. Despite the vast potential of gene editing technology, its application still faces many challenges. The use of gene editing in livestock is still in its early stages, and further in-depth research is required. Gene editing may induce unpredictable side effects, such as unintended mutations, which could adversely affect livestock health and production traits. Scientists need to proceed cautiously with gene editing research, respecting animal welfare and genetic stability, while continuously refining the technology and safety assessment methods. 5.2 The role of GWAS in livestock genetic research Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) as a powerful genetic analysis tool, have been widely applied in livestock genetic research. GWAS enables researchers to search the entire genome for genes and genetic markers associated with specific traits, thus revealing the genetic factors influencing livestock production traits. The advantage of GWAS lies in its high-throughput and comprehensive nature, allowing for the simultaneous analysis of a large number of genes and sample data, effectively identifying key genes and genetic markers related to traits. Compared to traditional candidate gene methods, GWAS is not limited by prior hypotheses, capable of discovering new candidate genes and providing a broader selection space for livestock genetic improvement. However, GWAS also has some limitations. GWAS typically requires a large sample size to obtain reliable results and necessitates strict data correction and validation to eliminate the impact of false-positive results. GWAS may be affected by genetic heterogeneity and environmental factors when detecting complex traits, leading to uncertainty in the results. Researchers need to consider various factors to improve the accuracy and reliability of GWAS analysis. The rise of emerging technologies and the application of GWAS present new opportunities and challenges for research on livestock production traits. By fully utilizing these technologies and methods, scientists can better understand the genetic basis of livestock traits, providing more effective strategies and approaches for livestock genetic improvement and precision breeding. 6 Summary and Outlook This study delves into the application of GWAS in revealing the genetic factors influencing livestock production traits. It provides an overview of the genetic background of livestock production traits, including definitions, classifications, genetic backgrounds, and their influencing factors. It details the principles and methods of GWAS, highlighting its advantages and application prospects in the study of livestock production traits. The study reviews traditional genetic research methods, such as genetic linkage analysis and candidate gene approaches, and focuses on discussing typical cases and technological advancements of GWAS in livestock production trait research. Furthermore, it presents key genes and genetic markers identified through GWAS and their practical applications in livestock genetic improvement. The main content of the paper is summarized, reviewing the study's focal points and findings, and suggestions for future research and practice are proposed.