
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 36-44 43 5.3 Ecological and ethical considerations The genetic improvement of poultry egg production performance is not only a scientific issue, but also an ecological issue. Breeding plans need to consider the impact on ecosystems, including the interaction between genetically modified poultry and local wild populations, as well as potential impacts on biodiversity. Appropriate ecological assessment and monitoring are necessary to ensure that genetic improvement activities do not have adverse effects on the natural environment. With the development of genetic technology, ethical issues are becoming increasingly prominent. Genetic improvement should consider ethical principles such as animal welfare, genetic diversity protection, and food safety. Transparent research and development processes, public participation, and comprehensive assessment of potential risks are key to ensuring social acceptance of genetic improvement activities. In this process, it is necessary to balance scientific innovation and ethical responsibility to ensure the sustainable and responsible use of genetic improvement technologies. In summary, genetic improvement of poultry egg production performance is a multidimensional challenge that involves multiple aspects such as science, technology, ecology, and ethics. By considering these factors comprehensively and adopting innovative and responsible methods, continuous improvement of poultry egg production performance can be achieved, while protecting genetic diversity and ensuring long-term ecological and social well-being. 6 Conclusion Genome-wide association study has become an important tool for revealing the genetic basis of egg production performance in poultry, providing strong scientific support for genetic improvement and breeding practices in poultry. This article reviews the application of GWAS in the genetic research of poultry egg production performance, and analyzes its important contributions in revealing genetic markers, understanding genetic mechanisms, and promoting genetic improvement. At the same time, this article also explores the main scientific and practical challenges currently faced, as well as prospects for the future poultry industry and genetic research. Through GWAS, researchers have successfully identified several genetic markers and association regions that are significantly associated with poultry egg-laying performance. These findings not only enrich the understanding of the genetic basis of poultry egg-laying performance, but also provide specific molecular targets for genetic improvement. More importantly, the application of GWAS has facilitated the close integration of genetic information with breeding practices, improving the efficiency and accuracy of poultry breeding. Despite the remarkable achievements of GWAS in genetic studies of poultry laying performance, many challenges remain.The complexity of GWAS results and the large number of false-positive findings call for more rigorous statistical correction and validation strategies. Causal relationships between genetic markers and phenotypes are often difficult to clarify and need to be explained by subsequent functional studies. The influence of the interaction between environmental and genetic factors on egg-laying performance is also a complex issue that requires more research to explore in depth. Future poultry genetic studies will further rely on high-throughput sequencing technologies, precise genetic editing tools and advanced bioinformatics analysis methods. The development of these technologies can provide a deeper understanding of the impact of genetic variation on poultry laying performance, as well as new strategies and tools for genetic improvement. With the rise of individual genomic selection and precision animal husbandry, the future of the poultry industry will evolve in a more efficient, sustainable and personalized direction. Interdisciplinary collaboration will be key to driving future poultry genetic research and industry development. Integration of knowledge and technologies from multiple fields, including genetics, bioinformatics, animal nutrition and ecology, will enable a more comprehensive solution to the challenges encountered in poultry egg-laying performance improvement, sustainable utilization of genetic resources and long-term development of the poultry industry (Bamidele et al., 2020).