
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 36-44 37 Figure 1 Egg laying process of poultry in water The application of GWAS in animal genetic research goes far beyond the improvement of poultry laying performance. It has been widely used to study a variety of economic traits, such as growth rate, meat quality, disease resistance, etc., which has greatly contributed to the genetic improvement and scientific development of animal husbandry. Through comprehensive genome analysis, GWAS is able to reveal the complex genetic networks behind traits, providing a scientific basis for precision breeding and sustainable utilization of genetic resources. Although GWAS shows great potential in animal genetic studies, it faces many challenges in its practical application, such as the processing and analysis of large-scale genomic data, the biological interpretation of the results, and the effective use of discovered genetic markers. Continuing to optimize the analysis methods of GWAS, as well as combining GWAS results with other bioinformatics tools and functional genomics studies, will be an important direction for future research. Studying the genetic mechanism of poultry egg-laying performance through genome-wide association analysis can not only promote the innovation of poultry breeding technology, but also provide a strong scientific support to meet the increasing global food demand (Gao et al., 2023). With the continuous advancement of molecular biology technology and the increasing abundance of genetic information, future research on the genetic improvement of poultry egg-laying performance will be more in-depth and precise, contributing to the sustainable development of the livestock industry. In this study, we comprehensively explored the genetic resolution of poultry disease resistance through the perspective of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which involves the economic and social impacts of poultry diseases, the role of genetics in poultry disease resistance, and the importance and application of GWAS. These research results are not only of great significance for the sustainable development of the poultry industry, but also provide a new scientific basis and methodology for the prevention and control of poultry diseases, which is an important contribution to the improvement of global food safety and the protection of public health. 1 Genetic Background of Poultry Egg Production Performance 1.1 Genetic variation of poultry egg-laying performance Poultry egg production performance as an important economic trait in animal husbandry, its improvement and optimization has been the core of poultry breeding research. The genetic background of poultry egg-laying performance is complex, involving the interaction of multiple genes and the influence of environmental factors. Genetic variation in poultry egg-laying performance refers to the differences in traits such as number of eggs laid, egg weight, eggshell quality, etc. among different individuals in a poultry population. These differences are caused by genetic factors, including genetic variation, chromosome structure variation and so on. Genetic variation is the basis of natural and artificial selection, and is the raw material for poultry breeding improvement. By studying the genetic variation in poultry egg-laying performance, genes or genetic markers that are important for egg-laying