
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 27-35 33 3.3 Methods of utilizing biotechnology to improve breeding efficiency In modern animal husbandry, the use of biotechnology to improve breeding efficiency has become a trend. These technologies not only accelerate the breeding process, but also improve the accuracy of breeding, making it possible to produce animals that are better adapted to market demands. Gene editing technologies, particularly the CRISPR/Cas9 system, offer the possibility of precisely modifying animal genomes. This technology can be used to directly alter specific genes that affect economically important traits, such as increasing milk production in dairy cows, improving meat quality in beef cattle, or increasing an animal's resistance to certain diseases. By precisely editing specific gene loci, it is possible to ensure that the altered genetic traits are inherited stably in the offspring, thus significantly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of breeding. In vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer technologies have made it possible to obtain large numbers of offspring from animals with high genetic value. Through these techniques, it is possible to breed large numbers of superior breeds with high genetic potential without being limited by the natural reproduction rate (Su et al., 2023). Embryo transfer can also be used to conserve genetic resources across genera or to introduce superior genetic traits into different populations, thus accelerating the breeding process. Genomic selection is a method of selection based on genome-wide information. By analyzing the entire genome, breeders can predict the genetic potential of an animal and make selection decisions accordingly. This method is more precise than traditional selection based on phenotypes or a limited number of genetic markers and can significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of selection. Genomic selection has been used in the breeding of a wide range of animals, including dairy cattle, pigs and poultry. Transgenic technology confers new traits or improves existing traits by introducing exogenous genes into the animal genome. This technology can be used to breed new breeds with specific advantages, such as high disease resistance, fast growth or high yield. Although transgenic animals face ethical and legal controversies and restrictions in some countries and regions, their potential to improve breeding efficiency and meet specific production needs cannot be ignored. Early prediction of an animal's genetic potential can be achieved by identifying microsatellite or SNP markers linked to economically important traits. This marker-assisted selection method allows for genetic evaluation of animals at a very young age, resulting in early selection without waiting for the animals to grow up to exhibit the phenotype, significantly shortening the breeding cycle. 4 Future Research Directions 4.1 Prospects for the application of emerging technologies in milk yield genetics research With the rapid development of gene technology, gene editing techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 have begun to show great potential for application in dairy cattle breeding. These technologies allow scientists to precisely modify the genomes of dairy cows, which can directly affect milk yield and quality. For example, the nutritional value of milk can be directly improved by precisely editing genes in the cow's genome that affect milk fat and protein content. Gene editing techniques can also be used to improve the health and disease resistance of cows and reduce the incidence of disease, thereby indirectly increasing milk production. 4.2 Role of big data and machine learning in breeding decision support In the field of dairy cattle breeding, the application of big data and machine learning technology provides powerful data support for breeding decisions. By collecting and analyzing a large amount of data such as genetic information, production performance data, and environmental factors of dairy cows, machine learning models can help breeders predict the possible outcomes of different breeding strategies to make more scientific and precise choices (Hu et al., 2023).