
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 27-35 32 management directly affect the realization of these potentials. Understanding how environmental and genetic factors interact is essential for developing effective breeding strategies and management practices. Figure 3 The interaction between balancing genetic diversity and breeding objectives Environmental factors can significantly affect the phenotypic expression of an animal. For example, even cows with high genetic potential may not reach their maximum milk production potential under poor feeding conditions. In contrast, excellent feeding management and nutritional supplementation can help an animal to better realize its genetic potential. This phenomenon illustrates the direct influence of environmental factors on the expression of animal traits and the importance of improving environmental conditions to enhance production performance. The interaction between genetic and environmental factors may lead to different responses to environmental changes in animals with different genetic backgrounds. This means that certain genetic variants may exhibit superior traits under specific environmental conditions. For example, some dairy breeds may be better adapted to cold climates, while others may perform better in tropical climates. Therefore, breeding strategies need to In order to optimize the interaction between environmental and genetic factors, breeders and breeders need to adopt a multifaceted strategy. The study of genetic-environmental interactions allows the identification of genetic markers with specific environmental adaptations, which provides the basis for molecular-assisted selection. Implementation of precision animal husbandry technologies, such as environmental monitoring and animal health tracking, allows real-time adjustment of husbandry management practices to the genetic needs of animals and environmental changes. Carrying out environmentally adapted breeding, i.e., selecting for breeding those animals that perform best under specific environmental conditions, can improve the overall fitness and productivity of populations (Figure 4). Figure 4 Performance of the interaction between environmental and genetic factors The interaction of environmental and genetic factors has a profound effect on the production performance of dairy cows. By integrating genetic selection and environmental management, as well as using modern biotechnology, the development of the dairy industry can be promoted more effectively to maximize production performance and achieve sustainable development.