
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 19-26 23 2.3.2 Skin health and protective genes A cat's skin is not just part of its appearance, it's a key component of its physiological health. In terms of skin health and protective genes, some genes play an important role in maintaining skin barrier function, resisting external environmental aggression, and regulating skin physiological balance. For example, mutations in the FLG (keratin gene), which encodes a keratin protein that is an important component in maintaining the integrity of the skin barrier, may lead to dry and sensitive skin. At the same time, some immune-related genes such as DEFB4 and LTF are expressed in the skin and participate in the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing processes, directly affecting the cat's resistance to external pathogens. By studying these genes in depth, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of cat skin health and provide scientific support for preventing skin diseases and improving skin health. The study of genes related to hair and skin development not only helps to unlock the genetic code that forms the appearance of cats, but also provides people with new ways to improve the overall physiological health of cats. A deep understanding of the functions of these genes will provide scientific guidance for the maintenance and breeding of outstanding cats, so that they can better adapt to changing environments and living conditions. 3 Functional Analysis of 3 Key Genes 3.1 Functional analysis at the molecular level 3.1.1 Gene-encoded proteins and their functions In the cat genome, the proteins encoded by key genes play diverse and important biological functions. Among them, some genes are closely related to the behavioral and physiological characteristics of cats, providing the molecular basis for cats' unique behaviors. For example, a class of genes closely related to social behavior encodes proteins that may play a key role in signaling between neurons. These proteins may be involved in regulating neuronal excitability and inhibition, thereby affecting cats' social interactions and cognitive abilities. By in-depth understanding of the structure and function of these encoded proteins, researchers can more accurately understand how they regulate cat behavior at the molecular level. For example, a certain protein may act at a nerve synapse to promote the release of neurotransmitters, thereby affecting the speed and intensity of nerve signal transmission. This in-depth molecular analysis helps reveal the fine regulation mechanism of cat behavior and provides a basis for subsequent physiological and behavioral research. 3.1.2 Gene expression and regulation at the cellular level The expression and regulatory mechanisms of key genes at the cellular level are critical to understanding their functions. Research has shown that the expression levels of some genes change significantly under specific physiological or behavioral states, suggesting that they may play an important role in specific situations (Schoenfelder and Fraser, 2019). In-depth study of these changes, especially the differences in expression of these genes in different cell types and brain regions, will help to reveal the specificity of genes in the regulation of cat behavior. This cellular level regulatory mechanism may involve the participation of regulatory factors such as transcription factors and miRNA. By exploring these regulatory networks, researchers can more fully understand the location, timing and extent of regulation of key genes within cells. This not only provides more detailed clues to the molecular basis of cat behavior, but also provides specific targets and directions for future gene editing and intervention research. 3.2 Physiological and behavioral experiments 3.2.1 The relationship between overall behavior and physiological functions and gene expression In delving deeper into the functions of key genes in the cat genome, through holistic behavioral and physiological experiments, this study was able to more fully reveal the complex roles of these genes at the organismal level. Observing the behavioral changes of cats in different social interaction situations and simultaneously monitoring the expression levels of key genes in the nervous system and other related tissues will allow researchers to establish more refined links between genes and behavior.