
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 19-26 19 Review and Progress Open Access Functional and Interaction Analysis of Key Genes in the Domestic Cat Genome Qinli Xiang Alibaba Xixi Park, Yuhang, 310000, Zhejiang, China Corresponding author email: Animal Molecular Breeding, 2024, Vol.14, No.1 doi: 10.5376/amb.2024.14.0003 Received: 05 Nov., 2023 Accepted: 21 Dec., 2023 Published: 11 Jan., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Xiang, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Xiang Q.L., 2024, Functional and interaction analysis of key genes in the domestic cat genome, Animal Molecular Breeding, 14(1): 19-26 (doi: 10.5376/amb.2024.14.0003) Abstract This study provides a systematic analysis of the functional and interactive aspects of key genes in the domestic cat genome, outlining the overall characteristics of the cat genome, including genome size, structure, and variation, with a focus on key genes related to behavior, immune system, hair and skin development in the cat genome. Through molecular-level functional analysis and physiological and behavioral experiments, this study intricately reveals the significant roles these genes play in the physiological functions and behavioral manifestations of domestic cats. At the same time, the interaction networks of these genes, including protein interaction networks and gene regulation networks, were further analyzed, and the relationships and regulatory mechanisms between key genes were deeply explored. The study looks forward to the prospects of cat genome research, explores the application of gene editing technology in cat genome research, and emphasizes the enlightening significance of this research for improving cat quality of life, solving behavioral problems, and in human medicine. Keywords Domestic cat genome; Key genes; Functional analysis; Interaction networks; Gene editing technology Cats have been domesticated by humans as early as 7500 BC. As companion animals that have been domesticated for a long time by humans, their companionship and closeness have made them an indispensable part of modern families (Driscoll and Clutton-Brock, 2010). The emergence of cats has not only enriched human daily life and provided companionship and comfort, but also played practical functions in agricultural societies such as catching mice and protecting food (Bradshaw, 2013). Cats also make great mental health companions because of their unique behaviors and personalities, positively impacting their owners' emotional state. However, although cats have been with humans for a long time, the secrets behind their genes still need to be deeply explored. Advances in genomics are providing researchers with new ways to reveal cat biology and behavior. By delving into key genes of the cat genome, humans can more fully understand the nature of this closely related animal to humans. The rapid development of genomics provides researchers with new tools to unlock the mysteries of life (Yang et al., 2022). Rapid advances in this field are not only transforming our understanding of biology and medicine but also providing opportunities to address many major scientific questions. The new prospects of genomics are driving scientists to delve deeper into the genetic information in organisms, thereby improving people's understanding of health, disease and life. By digging deeper into the cat genome, this study explores cats' evolution, physiological mechanisms, and the genetic basis of their interactions with humans. Researchers are expected to discover key genes related to behavior, immune system, etc., and better understand cats' nature and behavioral characteristics. Through genome-wide expression profiling analysis, the expression changes of transcription factors and miRNAs in cats under different physiological states and behavioral modes can be identified, revealing the co-expression patterns of these regulatory elements and key genes. Further investigation of the evolutionary conservation and diversity of these regulatory elements will help to understand their origin and evolution in the cat genome. This helps to understand how certain regulatory elements perform specific biological functions in cats and how they adapt to the evolutionary needs of cats in their natural environment and human society. This study provides an in-depth look at key genes in the cat genome and provides a detailed analysis of their functions and interactions. Through the study of the cat genome, this study aims to reveal key genes related to cat behavior, understand the genetic basis of the