
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 130-140 136 5 Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications 5.1 Ethical concerns in wildlife monitoring The integration of genomics and remote sensing technologies in wildlife monitoring raises several ethical concerns. One primary issue is the potential for genetic data misuse. The collection and storage of genetic information from wildlife populations must be handled with strict confidentiality to prevent exploitation or harm to the species being studied (Hohenlohe et al., 2020). Additionally, there is a risk of prioritizing certain species over others based on their genetic information, which could lead to biased conservation efforts and neglect of less genetically diverse species (Hohenlohe et al., 2020). Another ethical concern is the impact of invasive sampling methods on wildlife. While genomics can provide valuable insights into population health and dynamics, the methods used to collect genetic samples, such as blood or tissue sampling, can be stressful or harmful to the animals (Hohenlohe et al., 2020). Researchers must balance the need for accurate data with the welfare of the animals being studied. Furthermore, the use of remote sensing technologies, such as drones, can disturb wildlife and their habitats. The presence of drones can cause stress and behavioral changes in animals, potentially affecting the data collected and the well-being of the species (Cordier et al., 2020). Ethical guidelines must be established to minimize the impact of these technologies on wildlife. 5.2 Legal frameworks and compliance The application of genomics and remote sensing in wildlife monitoring is subject to various legal frameworks and compliance requirements. One significant challenge is the lack of standardized regulations governing the use of these technologies in different regions. This can lead to inconsistencies in data collection, analysis, and reporting, making it difficult to compare results across studies and implement effective conservation strategies (Cordier et al., 2020). Moreover, the integration of genomics into wildlife monitoring requires adherence to international agreements and conventions, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol, which regulate access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use (Hohenlohe et al., 2020). Researchers must navigate these legal frameworks to ensure that their work complies with international standards and respects the rights of indigenous communities and local stakeholders. In addition, the use of remote sensing technologies is subject to aviation and privacy laws. For instance, the operation of drones for wildlife monitoring must comply with national and international aviation regulations to ensure safety and avoid conflicts with other airspace users (Cordier et al., 2020). Privacy laws also need to be considered, particularly when monitoring wildlife in areas close to human settlements, to prevent unintentional surveillance of people. The implementation of genomics-based monitoring programs requires collaboration with regulatory bodies to develop guidelines and standards for data collection, storage, and sharing. This includes establishing protocols for obtaining permits and ensuring that research activities are conducted ethically and legally (Ward et al., 2019; Cordier et al., 2020). By working closely with regulators, researchers can help to create a robust legal framework that supports the responsible use of genomics and remote sensing technologies in wildlife conservation. 6 Future Directions and Innovations 6.1 Emerging technologies on the horizon The integration of genomics and remote sensing technologies in wildlife monitoring is poised to benefit significantly from several emerging technologies. One promising area is the development of genome-editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9, which can be used to manage genetic diversity and combat invasive species (Johnson et al., 2016). Additionally, the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) and metabarcoding approaches are becoming increasingly important for mapping species occurrence and interaction networks (Johnson et al., 2016). These technologies offer non-invasive methods to monitor wildlife populations and their habitats, providing critical data for conservation efforts.