
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 119-129 125 Figure 3 Selective and association signatures for sheep horn number (Adopted from Li et al., 2020) Image caption: a Different phenotypes of horn types between Sishui Fur sheep (SSS), Small-tailed Han sheep (SXW), and Hu sheep (HUS); b, c Manhattan plot and quantile–quantile plot of association signals for the number of horns based on whole-genome CNV data b and SNPs c. The horizontal dashed lines correspond to the genome-wide significance thresholds (−log10(0.05/Total CNVs) = 5.29 for CNVs and −log10(P value) = 6 for SNPs). d Manhattan plot of selective sweeps for polycerate trait (SSS versus SXW) on chromosome 2. Allele frequency distribution of one non-synonymous SNP at the downstream of HOXD1 gene in one polycerate breed (SSS), two two-horned breeds (SXW and TAN) and one polled breed (HUS). The horizontal dashed line corresponds to the genome-wide significance threshold (XP-CLR = 5.17). e Manhattan plot of selective sweeps for polled trait (HUS versus SXW) on chromosome 10. Allele frequency distribution of one non-synonymous SNP at the downstream of RXFP2 gene in one polycerate breed (SSS), two two-horned breeds (SXW and TAN) and one polled breed (HUS). The horizontal dashed line corresponds to the genome-wide significance threshold (XP-CLR = 4.49). In all pie chart figures, the variant allele is indicated in blue, whereas the reference allele is indicated in pink. f Genotype patterns of the genes HOXD3 and HOXD8 among one polycerate breed and three two-horned breeds. g Genotype patterns of the gene RXFP2 among four horned breeds and seven polled breeds (Adopted from Li et al., 2020)