
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 8 applicable to commercial aquaculture. Ecological and environmental risk assessments are also indispensable. Introducing genetically improved fish may have potential impacts on the natural environment. Therefore, ecological and environmental risk assessments are necessary to understand potential risks of escape and hybridization, with corresponding measures taken to mitigate these risks. This includes implementing appropriate control measures to prevent genetically improved fish from entering natural water bodies, thereby reducing their contact with wild populations. Regulatory and ethical issues are also factors that require careful consideration. Research on genetically improved fish involves regulatory and ethical considerations. Researchers must comply with relevant regulations and ethical principles, taking into account issues such as animal welfare and human health in their research. Considering these factors and challenges is an integral part of conducting crucian carp embryos gene editing research. Only with a comprehensive understanding and resolution of these issues can gene editing technology be better applied in crucian carp aquaculture and other aquaculture fields, contributing to quality improvement and sustainability. 7Summary As the latest research on gene editing technology continues to emerge in the cultivation of crucian carp, this technology presents extensive prospects for the aquaculture industry. It opens new possibilities for improving quality, enhancing production efficiency, and boosting the resistance and adaptability of crucian carp. This study comprehensively analyzes and summarizes the impact of gene editing on the growth rate and fat content of crucian carp, influencing factors and challenges, as well as the application prospects and outlook. Early studies on gene editing in crucian carp embryos indicate that editing genes related to growth rate and fat content can significantly enhance the quality and production efficiency of crucian carp. Improvements in growth rate, shortened growth cycles, and enhanced growth uniformity have all positively impacted the aquaculture industry. Simultaneously, the regulation of fat content provides the potential for producing healthier crucian carp products, offering new opportunities for the sustainable development of crucian carp aquaculture. However, in gene editing research on crucian carp embryos, editing efficiency and stability are critical factors. To increase the probability of successful editing, appropriate editing tools must be selected, editing targets chosen wisely, and editing must occur at the most suitable cell state and developmental stage. Genetic diversity and environmental factors also influence editing outcomes, requiring comprehensive consideration and management. Furthermore, the feasibility and safety considerations of genetically improved fish involve target setting, ecological risk assessments, regulation, and ethical issues to ensure responsible and safe technology application. Gene editing technology brings various application prospects to crucian carp aquaculture, allowing researchers to further explore the impact of gene editing on other quality traits such as flesh texture, disease resistance, and color. This enables researchers to comprehensively improve crucian carp quality to meet evolving market demands. However, ethical and legal issues must be addressed in practical applications to ensure responsible and safe technology use. To better realize the application of gene editing technology in crucian carp and other economically important fish, it is recommended to deepen understanding of crucian carp gene function, monitor effects continuously, actively participate in regulation and ethical standard development, and enhance interdisciplinary cooperation. By implementing these recommendations, gene editing technology can be better applied to meet the growing demand for food while ensuring the sustainability of aquaculture and ecosystem health. In conclusion, the study of gene editing in crucian carp embryos represents a significant innovation in aquaculture. Through continuous exploration and research in this field, sustainable growth in fish farming is expected to be achieved and provide robust support for meeting global food demand. The future development of this field requires collaboration from scientists, agricultural practitioners, government, and the public to collectively drive sustainable and innovative development in aquaculture.