
Animal Molecular Breeding 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 7 The state and developmental stage of cells are also critical factors influencing editing efficiency. Therefore, during editing, it is essential to ensure that editing occurs at the most opportune time and cell state. This can be achieved through precise timing control and the selection of appropriate cells, thereby increasing the probability of successful edits. Crucian carp may exhibit different biological characteristics at different developmental stages, affecting the applicability of editing. Therefore, in order to achieve success in gene editing research on crucian carp embryos, it is essential to consider these points comprehensively. This includes choosing appropriate editing tools, wisely selecting editing targets, and ensuring editing occurs at the most suitable cell state and developmental stage. The integrated consideration of these factors will contribute to improving editing efficiency and stability, laying a solid foundation for the success of gene editing in crucian carp embryos. 6.2 Impact of genetic diversity and environmental factors on gene editing effects In crucian carp gene editing research, researchers must carefully consider the potential influence of genetic diversity and environmental factors. Given the genetic differences among crucian carp individuals, different individuals may react differently to gene editing. Therefore, researchers need to conduct editing experiments in different individuals to determine the universality of editing effects and obtain more comprehensive data. Environmental factors also play a crucial role in crucian carp gene editing. Aquaculture environmental factors, such as water temperature (Dong and Somero, 2009), water quality, and feed, can have significant impacts on the growth and metabolism of crucian carp (Figure 3). These environmental factors may directly affect the physiological state of crucian carp, potentially interfering with the effects of gene editing. Therefore, researchers need to consider and manage these factors to ensure the stability and consistency of editing. Figure 3 Aquaculture environment Considering the genetic diversity and environmental factors of crucian carp will contribute to a more accurate assessment of gene editing effects, providing a solid foundation for the sustainable development of aquaculture. Integrating these factors into experimental design and data analysis will yield more reliable results for future research, while also aiding in a comprehensive understanding of the potential applications of gene editing in crucian carp improvement. 6.3 Feasibility and safety considerations for genetic improvement of fish Research on genetically improved fish must carefully consider its feasibility and safety to ensure the success and sustainability of its applications. Before conducting gene editing research, the goals and feasibility must be clearly defined. This includes determining whether editing can achieve the desired quality improvements and whether it is