l J. Mol. Zoo., 2013, Vol.3, No.6, 20
Figure 1
Philaeus chrysops
A:General habitus; B and C:
Arrangement of eyes; D: Unidentant cheliceral teeth (t); E:
Pedipalp; F: Spinneret
width ratio is greater than 2:1, labium longer than
wide, border of sternum greater than labium. Epigynum
appears with a transverse base and a median upward
canal (Figure 2). No male of this spider were collected.
Simon 1876).
Saitis leighii
and Peckham 1903).
Diagnosis: Male, body length about 9mm, normal
spiders like habitus with black and white vertical strip
coloration, unidentant cheliceral teeth, sternum length:
width is lesser than 2:1, labium wider than long,
border of sternum narrower than labium. The palpus is
brown with black hairs and has retrolaterally tibial
apophysis (Figure 3). No mature females of this
species were collected.
There are no noticeable studies about distribution of
Figure 2 ♀
Plexippus paykulli
A: General habitus; B and C:
Arrangement of eyes; D: Unidentant cheliceralteeth(t); E:
Sternum(s) and labium(i); F: Epigynum
spiders in Iraq and the current study may be the first
detailed study about jumping spiders in which carried
out to show their distribution in this part of Iraq. In
this study three species belong to jumping spiders
were identified, all species approximately were adult.
Philaeus chrysops
is an epilithobiont, a species
associated with open, stony and rocky habitats. The
spider has only been widely recorded in the
Mediterranean region, although there are records from
Eastern Europe and through Asia to Japan (Ubick et
al., 2005). Male
Philaeus chrysops
identified by Bolu
et al. (2008) are often bigger than females and are
very colorful with a glaringly red opisthosoma. The
abdomen is bright orange-red on the back and the
sides, with a longitudinal black stripe in the center and
black shoulders. The long, slender legs are dark with