IJMEC-2015v5n4 - page 7

International Journal of Mol. Ecol. and Conserv 2015, Vol.5, No.4, 1-7
2.2 Hunting methods and wildlife species commonly
Figure 3 shows that 74.4% of the respondents in the
support zone communities hunt with their guns, 20.1%
set traps, and 15.5% of the respondents used wire
snare during their hunting expedition. Also, 70.00% of
the respondents hunted in group with majority
preferring a group size of 3-4 people (Figure 4).
majority (21.20%) of the respondent
engaged in the hunt for porcupine, and 17.7% in the
hunt for deer and grasscutter respectively, while he
least hunted game animal was elephant (7.3%) in
Figure 5.
Figure 3 Hunting methods and size of hunters
Figure 4 Group hunting size in CRNP (Oban Division)
Figure 5 Species regularly hunted in CRNP (Oban Division)
2.3 Hunters schedule and animals caught
The result in Figure 6 indicates that majority (64.44%)
of the respondents preferred carrying out their hunting
expedition on a daily basis, followed by those who
preferred hunting weekly (17.78%) while, 4.44% of
respondents preferred hunting every two weeks. Also,
majority (33.33%) of the respondents killed 3-4
animals/day, 30% killed 1-2 animals/day, 21.11% of
the respondent killed 5-6 animals/day, and 15.56% of
the respondent killed up to 7 animals and above per
day. Moreover, 43% of the respondents trek 10km and
above during their hunting expedition and the only 2%
of the respondents had to trek up to 2km during
hunting (Figure 7).
Figure 6 Hunters schedule of activities and animals caught
Figure 7 Distance covered during hunting expedition
2.4 Awareness and Park rules violation
The result in Figure 8 shows the respondents level of
awareness and violation of the park's rules and
regulation. Majority of the respondents (65.56%)
claimed being aware of the parks rules and regulation
on wildlife poaching and the penalties for offenders
while 34.44% claimed being ignorant of the parks
rules and regulation. Also, 71.7% of the respondents
accepted violating the parks rules and 28.3% claimed
to obey the parks rules and regulations.
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