IJMEB-2015v5n2 - page 4

Intl. J. of Mol. Evol. and Biodivers. 2015, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1-4
Research Report Open Access
Human-wildlife Conflict: A View on Red-Billed Quelea (
Quelea quelea
Oduntan O.O.
, Shotuyo A.L.A.
, Akinyemi A.F.
, Soaga J.A.
1. Department of Forestry and Wildlife Mgt, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
2. Department of Wildlife & Ecotourism Mgt, University of Ibadan
Corresponding author email
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity, 2015, Vol.5, No.2 doi: 10.5376/ijmeb.2015.05.0002
Received: 02 Feb., 2015
Accepted: 21 Apr., 2015
Published: 19 May., 2015
© 2015 Oduntan et al., This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:
Oduntan et al., 2015, Human-wildlife Conflict: A View on Red-Billed Quelea (
Quelea quelea
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity,
Vol.5, No.1, 1-4
Human-wildlife Conflict (HWC) is any interaction between humans and wildlife resulting in negative consequences on
humans, wildlife conservation and the environment. Red-billed Quelea
Quelea quelea
(RBQ) of the family Ploceidae are gregarious
and breed in large colonies. They pose a serious problem to the development and expansion of mechanized cereal (rice, millet,
sorghum and wheat) schemes. It is estimated that RBQ feed and destroy grains equivalent to their average weight per day. Thus, a
flock of 2 million birds can destroy up to 50 tons of grain in a day worth an equivalent of $600,000. As a result of their enormous
numbers, high reproductive potential, and the vast often inaccessible range and habitat they occupy, RBQ are extremely difficult to
control. Control of RBQ by spraying its breeding colonies and roosts with organophosphate pesticides is often associated with
detrimental effects on non-targeted organisms. This study evaluates the conflicts resulting from RBQ and its economic damages on
farmlands, consequences of this interaction, and control methods. Study of food shortage periods and Quelea migrations are
highlighted as most efficient in predicting crop damage. Furthermore varying planting times and selection of short-cycle cereals may
avoid damage in some situations.
Human-Wildlife Conflicts; Quelea Birds; Avian Pests; Crop Damage
Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) is any interaction
between humans and wildlife resulting in negative
consequences on humans, wildlife conservation and
the environment. According to the IUCN World Park
Congress (2003), HWC occurs when wildlife
requirements overlap with those of human populations,
creating costs both to residents and wild animals.
Red-billed Queleas are nomadic birds, forming huge
colonies up to 30 million individuals (Jungle Photos,
2006). They are approximately 12.5 cm long and
weigh 15-20 g. They are mostly brown, with conical,
red bills and legs. Juveniles have a pale brown bill.
During the breeding season, the females’ bill colour
changes from red to a waxy bright yellow. Males
develop colourful plumage and a bright red bill (Plate
1). Male breeding plumage is variable, comprising a
facial mask ringed with pink or dull yellow (which
ranges from black to white) and breast and crown
plumage that varies from yellow to bright red. After
the breeding season, males revert to plain brown
plumage (Burton & Burton, 2002; Sinclair et al. 2005;
Wikipedia 2008).
Plate 1: Male Red-billed Quelea (left) and female (right)
showing sexual dimorphism
Note: Source: Sinclair et al., 2005
The Quelea ranks as one of the world’s most abundant
wild birds and has a breeding population in excess of
1.5 billion (Jungle Photos, 2006). The IUCN ‘Red
List’ lists Queleas as a Species of Least Concern
(IUCN, 2003).
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