IJMS -2016v6n43 - page 19

International Journal of Marine Science 2016, Vol.6, No.43, 1-13
autumn staging area for migratory shorebirds and Anas querquedula in Iran, while the open water of the lake
occasionally huge number of ducks. Over 425000 waterbirds of at least 53 species were recorded in the Uromyieh
lake basin during an aerial survey on 29-31 August 1973(Scott 1995). The islands in Lake Uromia were the only
known breeding locality for
Falco biarmicus
in Iran (at least five pairs) and also provide nesting sites for at least
10 pairs of
Neophron percnopterus
Falco cherrug
Falco peregrinus
have been recorded during the summer
month and may breed;
Gyps fulvus
Aegypius monachus
were regular visitors from the surrounding hills and
Haliaeetus albicila
Falco columbarius
occur in winter (Argyle 1975, Scott 1995 and 2001). The great bustard
Otis tarda was a regular visitor to the plain around the south part of the lake. In the 1980, with up to 25 being
recorded in August, but the bird were not known to breed in the area (Behrouzi-Rad 2001). At least 187 species of
birds have been recorded in the National Park (Scott 1995). Three Globally Threatened species
Aythya nyroca
Oxyura leucocephala
were regularly breeder in southern wetlands (Kaniborazan
and Gopibaba-Ali) of Lake Uromia. It was particularly important for it large breeding colonies of
Phoenicopterus ruber
Larus armenicus
Larus geneai
, but also supports over 1% of the regional
breeding population of seven other species of waterfowl (Argyle 1975, Evans 1994). During the migration season
and in winter, it regularly supports over 1% of the regional population of an additional 29 species of waterfowl,
table (4) (Scott 1995 and 2001, Evans 1994). Wild Sheep
Ovis gemelini
were introduced on to Kabodan Island in
the 19th century while Persian Fallow Deer
Dama mesopotamica
were introduced onto Ashak Islandin late 1970s.
The sheep population Peaked at over 4000 in 1970-1980, but then declined to only about less than 800 in 2015.
The Persian Fallow Deer population peaked up over 300 in 1980s, but reduced to only about less than 20 in 2015.
Several of the islands notably Ashk, Kabodan, Espir and Arezo, supports almost pristine stands of Azerbayjan
Pistacia atlantica
forest. The Ashk, Espir, Arezo, Dughouzlar and Kabodan islands were sensitive
habitats for breeding species of waterbirds, some terrestrial birds, Wild Sheep and Persian Fallow Deer. In 2015
the all mentioned islands connected to the main ground at around of the lake and there were not any islands.
However, all bird communities, Wild Sheep and Persian Fallow Deer population crack up. The lake supports an
abundant growth of the alga
Enteromorpha intestinallis
(Ulvaceae) and there was a buildup of brine shrimp
Artemia Uromiana during the summer month in wet years also in 1980s, but in 2015 reduced to zero. Variation of
breeding and wintering population of birds are bio-indicators for ecological water need of Lake Uromia ecosystem,
because each group of Waterbirds preform special depth of water, food and habitats, that these factors can be used
to protect and manage the Lake Uromia. The crack up of the Lake Uromia ecosystem unfolds at agricultural
grounds and effect on the local people life in near future.
Argyle F., 1975, Birds ringed and recovered in Iran, Tehran Bird Ringing Center, Dep. of Environment, Tehran, 80 pp.
Behrouzi-Rad B., 1980, Birds ringed and recovered in Iran, Tehran Bird Ringing Center, Dep. of Environment, Tehran, Iran, 50 pp.
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Behrouzi-Rad B., 1990, Ringing of Greater Flamingo, Gulls and Herons in Lake Uromia (1979-1990), Natural Bureau of Dep. of Environment, Tehran,
unpublished report, 15pp (in Persian).
Behrouzi-Rad B., 1995, Mortality of birds in Gharegheshlagh wetlands in south of Lake Uromia, Natural Bureau of Dep. of Environment, Tehran, unpublished
report, 25pp(in Persian).
Behrouzi-Rad B., 1990, Identification of migration rout of greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber in Iran, Journal of Environment, No1:16-24 (in Persian).
Behrouzi-Rad B., 1995, Anatidae threatened species in Iran, Proceeding Anatidae 2000 France, pp245-255
Behrouzi-Rad B., 2001 Birds communities as ecological indicator in Lake Uromia Ecosystem, submitted to Lake Uromia Conference, University of Uromia,
Westa Azarbaijan Province, 2001 (in Persian).
Behrouzi-Rad B., 2015, Birds observation on Lake Uromia, unpublished data, 12pp (in Persian).
Dep. of Environment of West Azarbaijan, 1976, Reports of bird ringing in Lake Uromia, unpublished report 25pp (in Persian).
Cornwallis L., 1976, The impact of the Mahabad Project on Lake Rezaiyeh (Uromia)and its southern Satellite wetlands together with proposals for the
conservation of the latter, Internal report. Dep. of Environment, Tehran, Iran.
West Azarbaijan Provincial Office of the Department of the Environment, 1976, Lake Uromia National Park, Published by West Azarbaijan Provincial Office of
the Department of the Environment (in Persian).
West Azarbaijan Provincial Office of the Department of the Environment, 2015, Status of the Lake Uromia, submitted to the regional meeting of Lake Uromia.
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