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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.67, 1-6
Tallo River estuary helps to control flood of the
northern city of Makassar,and waste water emanating
from the societies and agriculture on the upstream
areas. The drainage will carry sediment and organic
materials originating from the local agriculture, the
residential area, and the industrial area. The condition
occurs all
the years. As a result, it can lead to the
changes of the water quality greatly affecting the
conditions of the habitat of mollusc. Based on the
above description, it is necessary to conduct a research
to look at the contribution of the environmental
parameters on the management of the mollusk habitat
in Tallo River estuary.
Research methodology
This research was conducted in May until September
2011. The selected location was Tallo River estuary,
District of Tallo, Municipality of Makassar. The
analysis of the data was carried out in Marine Ecology
Laboratorium, Marine Science Department, Faculty of
Marine Science and Fishery, Hasanuddin University.
The equipment utilized in the research was as follows:
boat, global position system, bottom grab sampler,
labeled sample bags, 0.5 mm sieve nets, base maps,
writing tools, thermometers, Hand-held refractometers,
kite currents, pole scales, and pH meters. Materials
used were molluscs, alcohol and identification books.
Observation stations were divided into 20 sampling
points. The stations were determined purposively
using the GPS with the predetermined coordinates.
Each of the stations was placed at a distance of 200 to
300 meters vertical to the sea and horizontal coastline
with zigzag models. The mollusc sampling and water
quality were conducted on each station that had been
determined simultaneously according to the
procedures as follows: (1) Molluscs, searching the
position of the station or the sampling points using the
GPS, lowering the bottom grab sampler until the
sample touching the bottom of water, writing the
depth record, releasing the weight so that the mouth of
the grap sample closed. The grab samples containing
sediment-mixed molluscs were pulled slowly until on
the surface of the water. Those molluscs were
separated from the sediment, and preserved in alcohol.
alcohol and then identified in the laboratory. The
sampling was done five times repeatedly in each of
the stations. Data collected ?of the supporting
variables such as temperature, salinity, pH, brightness,
and the content of organic material was done equally
with the main variables in each station, while the
measurement of the other supporting variables such as
the stream was done on stations representing the
research area. (2) Analysis of mollusc samples was
identified based on the guide book: Colin and Arneson
(1995), Dharma (1988), Dharma (1992), Gem (1984),
Mapstone (1990), Sabelli (1982).
Sample Analysis
The abundance of macrozoobenthos was calculated
applying an analysis proposed by Odum (1971) with
the following equation:
Where: K = the abundance of the organisms
Xi = Individual Total in 5
subplots (tail), n = number of recurrence of subplots
(5 times); and A = width of the subplots / width of
mouth of Grab Sampler (20 x 20 = 400 cm2);
Diversity index (H ') is calculated using Shannon -
Wienner diversity index (Odum, 1971):
With: H'= diversity index, ni = the number of
individuals of species, and N = the total number of
individuals of all species; diversity index was
calculated by the formula (Odum, 1971):
With: E = Equitability Index; H '= diversity index, s =
Total number of types of organisms. Dominance index
(D) was calculated using the formula (Magurran, 1988)
as cited in Suryadi (2004)
With: D = Simpson’s dominance index, Ni = number
of individuals of species, N = number of individuals
of all species, s = number of types of species
Data Analysis:
To determine the contribution of environmental
parameters as an identifier of the management of the
mollusc’ habitat was used the method of Principal
Component Analysis (Begen, 2000).
Xi x
an x