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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.18: 166-178
hydrogen ion concentrations; the latter lowers pH because
pH = –log10[H+]. Carbonate ion concentration
declined, however, because of the increasing H+
concentrations (Doney et al., 2008).
Figure 2 Mean of alkalinity at six CO
concentration treatments for two incubation periods (X ± SE). a) Barru mesocosm experiment,
b) Takalar mesocosm experiment and c) Barrang Lompo Island mesocosm experiment.
Figure 3 Mean of DIC at six CO
concentration treatments for two incubation periods (X ± SE). a) Barru mesocosm experiment, b)
Takalar mesocosm experiment and c) Barrang Lompo Island mesocosm experiment.