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International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.29, 225-237
Nation´s coastal resources must be included, in view
of its structural and possible functional space limit
(MMA, 2001). For the Colombian Pacific these are: 1)
Coral reefs; 2) Mangrove; 3) Transition forests; 4)
Beaches and cliffs systems; 5) Estuaries of deltas and
coastal lagoons; 6) Sedimentary soft bottoms of the
continental platform. It can be seen that in none of the
cases mention is made to the sedimentary bottoms of
the continental platform, which is an ecosystem
present in the entire marine area adjacent to the
municipalities and has special importance because it
supports one of the productive activities of the coastal
area as are the fisheries.
From the territorial land use planning point of view, the
definition of the land use guidelines based on its aptitude;
in this sense for the rural, urban and protection lands the
main, complementary, restricted and prohibited uses.
Table 2 describes the recommended uses for the different
coverage that could be present in the coastal areas of the
coastal municipalities of the Colombian Pacific.
Table 2 Relation of possible recommended uses for the coastal municipalities of the Colombian Pacific land
Land use class Coverage
Recommended allowed uses
Forbidden uses
Protection of the coast line; Landscaping; Ecotourism;
Clams extraction; Investigation
Housing settlement; Residual water and
waste dumping
Protection against natural threats; Maintenance of the
ecological balance; Fauna protection; Reforestation;
Landscaping; Investigation; Mollusks and crustaceous
extraction; Wood extraction for domestic use in
(firewood and housing)
Forest extraction with commercial purposes;
Infrastructure location; Aquiculture;
infrastructure; Agriculture; Residual water
and waste dumping
Maintenance of the ecological balance; Protection of
the marshes edges; Recovery; Landscaping;
Investigation; Protection of fauna larvae and juvenile
stages; Transportation; Fishery
Logging at the edge of the marshes;
Residual water and waste dumping
Fauna protection; Fishery; Transportation
Residual water and waste dumping
Rivers and
Protection on the river banks due to the risk of mass
movements or landslides, flooding due to river overflowing
or draining difficulties and high liquation potential and
extension of seismic waves and salubrious risks;
Reforestation; Fishery; Transportation; Water supply
Residual water and waste dumping
sition forests
Water supply; Forest; Agricultural; Survival hunting
Residual water and waste dumping; Logging
under the minimum allowed diameters
Forest; Agricultural; Survival hunting; Water supply;
Location and provision of aqueduct, communication,
gas, electricity, networks, treatment plants and solid
residues dumping places, among others
Residual water and waste dumping;
Logging under the minimum allowed
Protection of the coast line; Landscaping; Tourism;
Residual water and waste dumping
Protection against natural threats; Maintenance of the ecologic
balance; Reforestation; Landscaping; Investigation; Wood
extraction for domestic use (firewood and housing)
Residual water and waste dumping;
Logging under the minimum allowed
Protection; Maintenance of the ecologic balance;
Residual water and waste dumping
Solid, Terraces/
Residential in terraces areas; Location and provision of
aqueduct, communication, gas, electricity, networks, treatment
plants and solid residues dumping places, among others
Residual water and waste dumping;
Residential; Recreation; Commercial and
services; Institutional; Public space
Protection on the river banks due to the risk of mass
movements or landslides, flooding due to river
overflowing or draining difficulties and high liquation
potential and extension of seismic waves and salubrious
risks; Reforestation; Fishery; Transportation; Water
Residual water and waste dumping
Note: Source: Alonso et al., 2003; INVEMAR et al., 2006; Vides and Sierra-Correa, 2003